Extreme Possibilities
Fanfic pages which include Post Episode, Themed and UST inclined fanfic
Romantics FanFic Archive
A fanfic archive where you won't find anything *but* MS pieces. With everything from
UST, to full romance pieces.
Aiua's Shipper Heaven
Site run by a shipper, with plenty of links to fanfic and other sites.
Touching Moments
Full of pictures from some of the 'shippiest moments in XF history, including the very first
hug, in the Pilot, right up to a scene from Momento Mori.
Eurisko MS Romance Archive
Yep, more fanfic!! This time it's a small archive, with some of the
archivist's favourite pieces.
The M&S Soundtrack Project
This site lists the songs, which the members of the Shipper Mailing List
voted as the ones that most described M&S's relationship. Last time I was there
they had over 170! Great job guys!!
XF-Romantics Graphics
Grab a couple of these pics, to stick on your page to tell the world
you're a shipper! Also, there's protest banners for the Fox/fan website thing...
OK, and finally, if all this still isn't enough, and you need more, you
could join the Relationshipper Mailing List. They're the greatest bunch
of people you could ever meet and I guarantee that you won't get flamed
like on other lists!! To join, just send an email to majordomo@chaos.taylored.com
with the following in the message body: subscribe xf-romantics