Species: Goof or anthropomorphic dog
Boyfriend: Chad
Romantic Interest: Max Goof
(Yes those are two seperate categories ::)
Hobbies: Flirting, flirting, flirting, and shopping.
Hangout: The mall!
School: *Hayes* High School
Voice done by: Julie Brown
Appears in: A Goofy Movie
Lisa is a crazy girl who is overly into guys. She's the type that would go after any guy, as long as he's 'cool'. Her blonde hair is dyed, and her dark roots show on occation. She has about 50 credit cards and uses them daily, of course ::) Technically she's going out with Chad, but there are exceptions to every rule... ::)
Note: bits of info enclosed in *'s is fan created, meaning it was never confirmed on a production (ie GT, AGM) but is considered true by most fans.
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