eumel 's Home Page

World Of Wonder

Jodie Foster on Eumel's Homepage

Always Under Construction sign

These Pages are best viewed with Netscape v2.0 and above, or at least a browser with Netscape Enhancement facilities. Set up your Browser to use document colors (if present) for best results.
All pictures are at least 256 colors so don't flame me before you use at least 256 colors, or better more (True Color ist the best!). Thanks.

As I created frames to access my pages, and you reached this location, you're not able to view my newly created, easy-to-access, simple to navigate, great enhanced main pages.
To avoid maintaining two kind of page layout this is the collection of all my pages with a simple linked list. You can access them and even access the links there (like pictures and external links) but you won't be able to access all of the local links there. Instead you might get a message saying that you should use a frame enabled browser. Simply press back button of your browser until you come back here and get where you want to be by pressing the appropriate link:

You'll see all the updated pictures, links, news, ... on the pages above. But consider using a frame capable browser!

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