Come On You Red's - Manchester United

Glory glory Man United....TREBLE WINNERS 1998/99

On the 26th May 1999, Manchester United won the European Cup. After 6 minutes they were 1-0 down and it wasn't until injury time was being played at the end of the second half that Teddy Sheringham equalised from a corner, followed seconds later by a winning goal from Ole. What better way for Peter to finish his career with United, but by captaining the team in their European Cup victory.

The cheer in the road I live could be heard quite clearly.

Congratulations to the team and Alex Ferguson. You deserve it. Now to celebrate :-)

This page is dedicated to the team which I have supported since I was 10 years old. They aren't the reason for my alias, though it is very apt.

Although, I am not perhaps as much of a fan as some, in that I don't go to every match (I can't afford it anyway), I have never wavered in my support for United, through disappointment and celebration.

Perhaps I chose to support United because my mother supports them and has done for 40 years, though to be honest I can't remember why I did decide to support United, maybe it was just an intuitive feeling that they were the best.

I have not got an absolute favourite player. I have many players whom I enjoy watching for the skill and panache they bring to the pitch, among these, David Beckham, and Brian McClair, both good in their own vital way.

I must confess to having bought the United single "Come on you Red's", on 12" picture-disk, though I don't play it to keep it in good condition. I also bought the "Red Album". Perhaps I don't go to every match but I support them in other ways.

What follows are a number of links which go to pages about Manchester United. They vary in quality and content but are all worth a look.

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