Sonny and Brenda

I wrote this song for Sonny and Brenda a few months ago, it's set to the theme of the "Brady Bunch!"

---Verity, one Fourth of the Fabulous Foursome

Here's the saga of a girl named Brenda
Whose sexy beauty really caught a mobster's glance
She had dark eyes
She was a model
The mobster did not have a chance

Here's the saga
Of the mobster Sonny
Whose danger side really snagged the model's heart
He had sexy dimples
Sometimes got shot at
And Brenda loved him from the start.

Their love was strong but somwhow trouble came between them
With names like Lily, The Hidden Wire and Jaspar Jax
And though publically they claim their love is done
They know better
It has only just begun

They WILL be one!
Get married, have a son?
We don't know, that's why S&B
are so much fun!

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