Beaucoup Bucks Camp Clean-Up Plan 2004
Waste Reduction in Action
Because we will only have about 35 people in our camp, all camp members
will be responsible for packing out their own personal trash, and at least
one bag of community trash off the playa. We will go over the clean up plan
with all camp mates before going out to the playa, so everyone is on the
same page. All campmates will keep an eye on making sure stuff doesn't blow
away, assure that nothing hits the ground. Organize cleanup and break-down
ahead of time will be scheduled ahead of time.
The Pledge
To minimize our impact on the Playa, we, the BBC, pledge to follow these
- Leave No Trace - We plan to clean as we go, to set time aside each day to
cleanup, and take all our camp trash in sealed containers to a landfill on
the way home. After cleaning our camp, everyone in our camp will devote at
least two hours to the general city cleanup (e.g. trash fence, around the
Man, café, etc).
- No fires on bare ground - If we must burn, we will use a burn plate, and
will sweep up and haul out the ashes.
- No digging - We will not dig holes or trenches in the playa as we
understand this will ruin the playa!
- Don't let stuff hit the ground - We will keep all items that are loose
tied or weighted down, and leave papers at home. We plan to keep all our
bottles and cans with in our camp, and will make sure to not leave stuff
lying around with the intention of cleaning it up later.
- Follow the 3R's (See 3 R's Plan) - We will Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! We
will take all aluminum to be recycled at recycle camp.
- Leave extra space - We will leave extra space in every vehicle on the way
to the desert, knowing that repackaging will inevitably take up more space.
- Port-o-potties are for human waste only - We won't put any trash into the
port-o-potties or leave any trash near the potties. If it doesn't come out
of our bodies, it won't go in the potties!
- Prepare as much food in advance as possible. We will be sure to premake as
many of the meals as possible so that there is very little food prep on the
- Make a cleanup schedule for camp. We will follow a
daily clean-up ritual at our camp, and have a final plan in place for the
day we leave.
- Keep water off the playa. We plan on having an evaporation pool where BBC'
ers will dump all waste water which they want to evaporate. We will avoid at
all costs dumping water onto the naked playa, understanding that it will
leave a stain!
- Sweep your camp for every little, last piece of trash. Before we leave on
Monday, we have a plan to find every twist tie, feather, cigarette butt,
sequin, staple, and watermelon seed. We will have an imaginary grid, and
plan to sweep from one end of each section to the other with a line of
people spaced every 6 feet or so.
- Skip the flyers. If we want people to participate in our theme camp we
will figure out a different and more creative way to disseminate our
Clean-up Supply List
We will bring the following supplies to help with camp clean up:
- Flat-blade shovel
- Big yellow whiskbroom
- 3 5-gallon bucket and mesh withering bag for wet kitchen scraps.
- Separate containers for recyclables, burnables, and unburnables.
- Rope and string for tying loose stuff down.
- Small spare bags for collecting trash as we wander.
- Lots of industrial strength trash bags -- more than we think we'll need.
- Cheap work gloves for everybody.
- Long-handled sledgehammer for compacting in 5-gallon buckets and driving
- Altoids boxes, AOL tins and film canisters for smokers butts.
- Directions and hours of landfills.