The Beaucoup Bucks Camp's Event Calendar


August 2004

DAILY EVENTS FROM Tuesday August 30 - Sept 5
(Print out the Official one-page BBC calendar here!!)

Ming's Fire and Ice

1pm until whenever we run out
Come by the Beaucoup Bucks Camp during the hottest time of the day and sample the delicious treat of Bing, courtesy of Ming (the creator of Bing!) Do bring your own cup and spoon! And come back later in the evening for a special evening Treat!

Quad's Eye for the Playa Guy - Sporadically during the day.
From Fashion Avenue to Center Camp, the mastermind behind the hottest independent haute couture house in NYC, miss halo 5 (, brings to you personal consultation, but with a twist! Be filmed as Miss Quad Princess (designer/stylist of miss halo 5) style you! You can come to her (she'll be dj'ing at KSVERT radio - time TBA) or she, and her film crew, can come to you!! Be sure to give her your contact info so she can send you a copy of the final product.

The Flash of Temporary Shadows - Evenings
Create lasting shadows! - Stand in front of the phosphorescent screen, Strike a pose, and flash the light. Like magic your shadow will be visible on the screen for a minute or more. Create shadow art with your body, other bodies, or any props you have on hand.

Beaucoup Bucks Camp Wad of Wishes Drive
In reaching our goal of burning a hell of alot of money this week, we request that you come by and submit the wish that you want to come true on an official BBC bill, to be added to the wad of wishes that will be burned later this week. Trust us.. You want your wishes to come true and you want to see us burn alot of money, for this makes us happy. Talk to one of our members about how you can "contribute" to the wad.



Twirl Off Gym!

Photos courtesy of Abject Photo
Come have some fun and keep your bodies socially fit by twirling hoops, batons, flags, staff, poi and whatever else you can get your hands on at our twirling facilities! Highly recommended by our fitness guru. Bring your own twirling impliments, supplies and tricks, if you have it! Sharing is HIGHLY encouraged! 45 minutes (like a work out)


Grand Re-Opening of the Chez Moi Da Mone - Black Rock City - White Party
The Beaucoup Bucks Camp cordially invites you to the grand re-opening of the "Chez Moi Da Mone' - Black Rock City". Complete with Ribbon cutting ceremony!
Dress code : Wear White, for this is a White Party, to represent as the God and Goddess that you are! Represent your inner omnipotence and wear head to toe white. Show up without white? Be prepared to strip and wear a specialty haute couture, courtesy of our resident stylist.
The score: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - 9:05 SHARP (show up at 9 to get in line!!) Afterwards - the champagne flow and partying commences!
See ya Tuesday Night!


Black Rock City's Next Top Stripper
You thought that America's Next Top Model II was something?
Guess again. We're returning to crown Black Rock City's Next Top Male and Female Stripper on this very day and date. Judged by our esteemed panel of NYC socialites and social climbers.
Winners will receive limited edition t-shirts and have burned in their name $1 million Beaucoup Bucks later that evening.
Sign up will happen before the event - please bring own music cd/tape, costumes and props. Creativity expressed in your stripping is a beaucoup plus! Make us laugh, make us cry, make us applaud!

Now if only they would place this type of reality "show" on tv..


Burning of Wad of Wishes
They say that money makes the world go 'round. We say, burning money makes wishes come true! Come by and watch all the wishes burn to belief and see why we are the Beaucoup Bucks Camp.. Because it's beyond belief that we're burning all this money!
Time of burn will be announced on Saturday afternoon. Keep your ears perked!


Beaucoup Bucks Camp presents the SOCIAL TAKEOVER series
Volume 1 - Hot Tub Party
May 18, 2004
The Park - 10th Avenue between 18th and 19th.

Click here for details!

August 2003

Ming's Bing

1pm until whenever we run out
Come by the Beaucoup Bucks Camp during the hottest time of the day and sample the delicious treat of Bing, courtesy of Ming! Do bring your own cup and spoon!

Beaucoup Bucks Camp Wad of Wishes Drive
In reaching our goal of burning a hell of alot of money this week, we request that you come by and submit the wish that you want to come true on an official BBC bill, to be added to the wad of wishes that will be burned later this week. Trust us.. You want your wishes to come true and you want to see us burn alot of money, for this makes us happy. Talk to one of our members about how you can "contribute" to the wad.


Monday 25

Twirl Off Gym!
Come have some fun and keep your bodies socially fit by twirling hoops, batons, flags, staff, poi and whatever else you can get your hands on at our twirling facilities! Highly recommended by our fitness guru. Bring your own twirling impliments, supplies and tricks, if you have it! Sharing is HIGHLY encouraged! 45 minutes (like a work out)

Tuesday 26

Tiara Tea Time
With pinkies out and up, WE the TITLED, preside over and invite YOU (commoner, partitian, clerk, or clergy) to Tiara Tea Time. Oooohh it's sooo steamy and delicious. cress anyone? Please present a spot of water, your own china, WE will provide tiaras and tea. (royalty rumor: MR. T is said to be attending, bling-bling!)

Grand Opening of the Chez Moi Da Mone - Black Rock City - White Party

So tell me folks.. Where would you find the following at this year's burn?

Rich, rowdy folks decked in all white...
Drunken domestics having a good time..
Burnt-out celebrities being photographed..
Crazed Guestlist/Door people giving out money...
and lots and lots of burning MONEY and BLING-BLING!!!

Don't know? Well, by the time we're through, you'll know the score.. :)

The Beaucoup Bucks Camp cordially invites you to the grand opening of the "Chez Moi Da Mone' - Black Rock City".

Dress code : Wear White, for this is a White Party, to represent as the God and Goddess that you are! Represent your inner omnipotence and wear head to toe white and join us as we open our third exclusive nightclub in the Chez Moi Da Mone' chain.

Bring your own cups!
BYOB to share, if you can! Be sure that it's white or clear color! :)
See ya Tuesday Night!

Wednesday 27

Black Rock City's Next Top Stripper

You thought that America's Next Top Model was something?
Guess again.
We will be crowning Black Rock City's Next Top Male and Female Stripper on this very day and date. Judged by our esteemed panel of NYC socialites and social climbers.

Winners will have burned in their name $1 million Beaucoup Bucks later that evening.

Sign up will happen before the event - please bring own music cd/tape, costumes and props. Creativity expressed in your stripping is a beaucoup plus! Make us laugh, make us cry, make us applaud!

Now if only they would place this type of reality "show" on tv..

Thursday 28

Tiara Tea Time
With pinkies out and up, WE the TITLED, preside over and invite YOU (commoner, partitian, clerk, or clergy) to Tiara Tea Time. Oooohh it's sooo steamy and delicious. cress anyone? Please present a spot of water, your own china, WE will provide tiaras and tea. (royalty rumor: MR. T is said to be attending, bling-bling!)
Nighttime Twirl Off Gym!
Come have some fun and keep your bodies socially fit by twirling hoops, batons, flags, staff, poi and whatever else you can get your hands on at our twirling facilities, during our evening hours! Highly recommended by our fitness guru. Bring your own twirling impliments, supplies and tricks, if you have it! Sharing is HIGHLY encouraged!

Friday 29

Paparazzi Run
Imagine, a mob of celebrities/famous people and their photographers traveling around Black Rock City, catching the sights. Don't imagine anymore.. Take part in this spectacle!
All famous residence of Black Rock City and their photographers are invited to join in a social event that will be beyond belief - the First Annual Paparazzi Run! Meet at the Asylum A on Friday, 5:30 pm (sharp) with bikes, famous people and cameras ready. Prepare to smile and pose for the camera at scenic areas of the city!

Saturday 30

Burning of Wad of Wishes
They say that money makes the world go 'round. We say, burning money makes wishes come true! Come by and watch all the wishes burn to belief and see why we are the Beaucoup Bucks Camp.. Because it's beyond belief that we're burning all this money!
Time of burn will be announced on Saturday afternoon. Keep your ears perked!

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