emmet swimming is a band from Fairfax, VA, and they're going to invade the country!!! They have a lot of very loyal fans, like Buddha and Motz, which may be one reason they were signed by Epic. But more likely it's their overabundance of pure talent! The CD's they have out are: Dark When the Snow Falls (on their own Screaming Goddess label), the Wake EP (also SG), the Wake CD (Epic), and the new one,Arlington to Boston, which is one of those CD-ROM Enhanced discs!
emmet swimming is: Todd Watts, Tamer Eid, Luke Micheals, and Erik Wenberg
(emmet swimming, they're so cutting edge...) They come very highly recommended by yours truly, and also a bunch of screaming fans! My personal favorite album is Wake. It's innovative and heartwrenchingly honest and true. The songs I really love are "You're so Pretty," "Never Crawl," "Expect Me," "Bullet in your Hand", "Boston" "Parking Lot."

NOteS: emmet swimming just released their new single "Fake Wood Trim". REquest it at your local radio station!

emmet LINKS

Buddha and Motz's Unnoficial emmet swimming Web Site
. It constantly changes, and contains the newest most up to date stuff.

OuterSound's emmet Page. It's pretty cool, if you can handle frames!

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Last updated March 28, 1997
Contact MadNeSS at yang@nicom.com
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