Here's a section of "Quiz Yourself" from Psych Web
Click on the chapter title for a multiple-choice self-quiz consisting of
10 questions. Please note that these quizzes are not designed to be printed out; they are meant to be used interactively in
a web browser. If you wish to use the quiz offline, simply save the file
to a floppy. You can load it into any browser, later, without connecting
to a network.
- Psychology and Science
- The Human Nervous System
- States of Consciousness
- The Senses and Perception
- Conditioning
- Memory
- Cognition
- Animal Behavior and Cognition
- Motivation and Emotion
- Development
- Individual Differences
- Personality Theories
- Abnormal Psychology
- Therapies
- Health Psychology (coming Winter 98)
- Social Psychology
- Sex, Friendship, and Love
- Frontiers of Psychology (coming Winter 98)