The weekly Project:  Voyager log entries made by members of the Project team will be recorded and posted here.  Each month, the log entries will be archived for your retrieval.

Archive One (Stardate 53440.1 - 53710.9)

Week One Report -- Stardate 53922.3
Commander T'plana-Hath Reporting

This is Commander T'plana-Hath reporting.  I have been assigned to the Project:  Voyager team under the request and supervision of Admiral Hayes, as well as Admiral Stokes at Starfleet Security.  My task is to ensure that all confidential information regarding the Delta Quadrant collected by the USS Voyager remain confidential.  In order to do so, I have had to order the Project team to halt their activities for a period of one week, so that myself and other members of Security and Intelligence can review the Voyager database, and secure any sensitive information.  The Project team was not pleased to be forced out of their offices for a week, feeling we had set them behind in their goal to communicate with Voyager.

I believe this Project to be a waste of Starfleet's resources and time.  I believe this manpower can be focussed to rebuilding the Federation and Starfleet following the devastating Dominion War, not on attempting to bring a stranded crew home.  From my analysis, Voyager only has approximately 25 years until within communication range of Starfleet.  This is not an entire lifetime.

As all sensitive data has been secured and collected, it is now being sent to the head of both Security and Intelligence for analysis.  There appears to be some interesting information that both parties are quite concerned about.

Eng Log

