Gabriel Damon Ladaei was born in Reno, Nevada on April 23, 1976 to parents David and Ann. He has two older siblings, Jill, and Joe, as well as a younger sister named Mia.

Gabriel got into acting after Joe landed a small part on a soap opera and some guest star apperances. Gabe went with when Joe had to go to L.A. and Joe's agent mentioned something about Gabe auditioning for a commercial, which he did and got in. At age four, Gabe and his family moved to L.A., and by the time he was seven, he had been in over 50 commercials.

He worked his way up from commercials, and was soon getting on TV, starting in 1983 as R.H. Sanrac in Call to Glory. His first movie was Terminus in 1986. Click here for a full filmography.

Gabe did, however, get a reputation as being hard-to-work-with. During the filming of the Star Trek: the next generation, Gabe would purposely ruin takes and stuck gum in an actress' hair. Despite this, he is a very good actor, as most people will agree.

Gabriel's best know movie to fans is Newsies, which came out in 1992. Gabe played Spot Conlon, leader of the Brooklyn newsies. This is, without a doubt, the movie that won him the affection of fans everywhere. Gabe enjoyed working on Newsies, but, like many acttors, he doesn't like to watch it on video, because he always feels that he could have done better.

After Newsies, Gabe's acting career got a bit slow. He used his time wisely, though. He returned to Nevada and began attending the University of Nevada, majoring in communications. He said that if he didn't continue his acting career, he was thinking about becoming a writer, since he loves science-fiction and poetry.

It doesn't look like this will happen, though. He had been living in Reno with his mom, but moved to Burbank in an effort to jump-start his career, and it worked. After a five year absence, Gabe is back in acting. Many people saw his as Tommy in a season-finale of ER, and he is trying out for more roles in shows and movies (or so we heard).

Gabe's last movie was the on-video only Bayou Ghost. The movie is unfortunatly rather poorly written and put together, although Gabe does a good job in his role. His reasoning for taking the part? He did it as a favor to the producer.