General Links

    Gabe at the IMDb
      The Internet Movie Database's section for Gabriel. This site is updated by people who send in information, and is one of the sites that helped us out.

    Gabe at Lonomyth

      Lonomyth's Gabriel page was another big help, especially in the filmography. It has a couple of pictures, but has not been updated in years.

    Gabe at Star Galaxy

      There isn't any information here, but there is a lot of pictures. That's including ones that are not on this site.

    Gabe at Star Oasis

      Another sire with quite a few pictures that we don't have (and it's easier to link to the site rather than upload the pictures to this one :)).

    Gabe on TV

      Curious as to when Gabe's movies and guest appearances are going to be on TV? This site will let you know.

Movie Links

    Newspaper Alley
      This is the site to go to for more Newsies information. It is not only the oldest Newsies site, but is also one of the best. Official stills and cast bios as well as newspaper articles from the time of the actual strike can all be found here.

    The Lodging House

      Another wonderful site created by one of the origional fans. See this site for recent news about the various cast members and be sure to read the interviews.

Fan Sites

    Love Spot
      A Gabe site with pictures (including a few we don't have), info and some other fun stuff. Be sure to check out the confessions. Some of that stuff is hilarious! Frighteningly enough, we've done some of the same things.

    Crazy’s Spot Page

      A fan site that has some more information on Bayou Ghost as well as a picture of the cover (Gabe is the one in the brown shirt).

    Allie's Unofficial Gabriel Damon Site

      There isn't anything new here as far as information, but check out the Bayou Ghost pictures!

A note on fan sites: we will post a fan site here if it has more than just information that was copied and pasted from this site. If you want to have your Gabe site listed here, please have something different and original in it. Thanks!