Westfield Comics

Obviously, this is the website for Westfield, the comic book subscription service. You can order comics, read the latest comics news, and take a look at their gallery of comics art. Much in the way of cool stuff!

DC Comics

This is DC's official site on the World Wide Web. You can check out lots of Superman- and Batman-related stuff--even listen to an old-time radio show! Give it a try!

Wonder Woman on the Web

This excellent website is devoted to the many incarnations of Wonder Woman. If you like DC's Amazing Amazon, you'll love visiting this place with its tons of information about the warrior princess!

DC Fanzine

This is Derek Steinbach's excellent DC Comics site. He offers monthly columns, news, reviews, and interviews with the likes of Tony Harris, Ruth Morrison, and Mark Waid. You'll find some interesting DC-related stuff here.

The Cult of Tintin

This is THE place to go if you're interested in Herge's Adventures of Tintin series. If you're not familiar with this great European comic book hero, you'll learn a lot about him from The Cult of Tintin! Any fan of Carl Barks' and Don Rosa's globe-spanning Uncle Scrooge adventures should check out Tintin.

The Wonder Woman Pages

Another incredible Wonder Woman site! Apparently, there are a number of fans of Princess Diana of Themyscira out there, and this website will definitely be of interest to them.

The Official Bone Website

Are you a fan of those cute li'l exiles from Boneville? Then check out this site devoted to Jeff Smith's award-winning independent series.

The $crooge McDuck Page

One of T&G's all-time favorite comic book characters is Scrooge McDuck. C'mon! You gotta love Carl Barks and Don Rosa! Check out this great site devoted to Duckburg's richest citizen.

The Supergirl Home Page

T&G are thrilled that the Maid of (mental) Might is back on the racks in her own series. You really must check out this page devoted to Supergirl, her friends, her foes, and even her upcoming adventures.

The Unofficial Green Lantern Home Page

If you're a fan of any incarnation of DC's Emerald Gladiator, you owe it to yourself to take a look at this really cool website. It features everything you ever wanted to know about Green Lantern.


This is a way-cool website devoted to both entertainment and technology. Check it out to see a preview of DC's XERO.

The Official Larry Elmore Web Page

World-famous fantasy artist Larry Elmore is a resident of Tom's hometown, and T&G are more than happy to provide a link to this excellent website devoted to the man and his artwork.

The Superman Home Page

This is an excellent site devoted to the Man of Steel, his supporting cast, and his gallery of rogues. At this site, you can even shop for Superman-related books from! You owe it to yourself to check it out.

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