Ribbon and Other Campaigns

Cat Vigil for the Cats killed and traumaticed at Noah's Ark Animal Shelter on the weekend of March 7, 1997.

Prostate Cancer Awareness

Operation Just Cause Yellow Ribbon for POW and MIAs

For citizens who were imprisoned in Iraq

Organ Donors Save lives

Stop partial-birth abortions

Stop Substance Abuse and Gun Vilence

Cancer Support and Awareness

AIDS Awareness

Help Fight Diabetes

Remembering those in TWA flight 800 in July, 1996

Purple Ribbon
Fight Cystic Fibrosis

Support Children with disABILITIES

Awareness of Abuse

Breast Cancer Awareness

Victims of Church Bombings

Help Find Missing Children

Help stop violence

Petition for animal shelters to switch their normal working hours

Remember The Innocent
In honor of the wounded, lost and families of Littleton Colorado
April 20, 1999

Remember The Innocent
Columbine High School ~ April 20, 1999 ~ Remember

Ribbon for Alzheimers

Make a Wish Foundation

Metallic Gold ribbon for Childhood Cancer awareness

Raising Awareness about Gay-Teen Suicide
& Remembering Those Who Were Lost

Racial Tolerance and Cultural Diversity Ribbon