The BelgariadThe Belgariad

Simply the best story ever told, David Eddings' The Belgariad is a masterpiece of literature. Admittedly, the writing is (very occasionally) less than perfectly professional but the characters are better realized than in anything I have ever read. The author really does make the story very personal to the reader. I read it every year or so.
The series is made up of five books: "Pawn of Prophecy", "Queen of Sorcery", "Magician's Gambit", "Castle of Wizardry" & "Enchanter's Endgame". The chess references in the titles apparently refer to the game played by the two opposing Purposes. You'll have to read the books to understand properly.

The story involves a young boy named Garion who grows up on a farm, unaware of the titanic struggle taking place elsewhere between good & evil. He is thrust into it unwittingly, however, and discovers his family is at the core of the struggle. Any further information would really spoil the story so I'll let you read it for yourselves...

This is a story for any reader, not just those who are Fantasy fans. If you enjoy reading at all you'll love this, believe me.

A note, though. Whatever you do don't read "The Malloreon" first! This is a sequel series to The Belgariad and will completely ruin the first series as it deals with Garion's development, something which will mean nothing if the end is known. Trust me, reading these in the wrong order would be terrible.

Other books in set in the same world are: "Belgarath the Sorcerer" and "Polgara the Sorceress".

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