Fire Walk With Me


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is one of the greatest movies of all time. It is a great tragedy that it did so poorly at the box office, in my opinion. Many people criticized Lynch for choosing to do a prequel rather than continuing where the series left off but, having seen the movie, I know that Lynch made the right choice.
The movie is excellent, full of strong emotion (a wonderful performance from Sheryl Lee who we didn't see enough of in the series) and usual David Lynch weirdness. This is one film that I can't watch late at night - I find it to be incredibly scary. In this movie, the fear is often achieved by a mere expression - the scariest moments, to me, are the ones where we see Laura's face staring wide-eyed at something that we do not yet see (sometimes, in fact, there is nothing to see). Horror directors should take note.

Most of all, the movie is thought-provoking - at least to anyone familiar with the series. Rather than explaing things, this actually seems to raise more questions about the Lodges and their relationship with Laura Palmer.

My copy of the movie was taped off Bravo! which left out the subtitles, so I can't tell what the Lodge guys are saying sometimes (I have seen it before, though, with subtitles) and it's almost impossible to hear anything intelligible in the bar scene with Laura, Donna, Jacques and Ronette.

Anyway, for anyone interested in David Lynch's work or any Twin Peaks fan, this is one movie which you must see (let's face it - if you're reading this, you probably already have so I should shut up).


One thing - I read that Laura and Teresa's arm-numbness is somehow connected to the owl-ring. I always figured that it was something to do with Mike (OAM) because it is his left arm that is cut off - and it is the left arm that goes numb. I guess it could be Mike's ring (we do see him wear it) but Cooper warns Laura not to take it - why would he do this if it is Mike's (isn't Mike a good guy)?
If anyone has any suggestions, pleas e-mail me:

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