Poetry Are The Words That Together
Leave Us A Little Wiser After We Have Read Them
~Ingvild Gregersen~
Welcome Poetry Lover....
Welcome to Angel Tears a.k.a ~Lady Guinevere's~ Poetry Page. I hope you enjoy my poetry, written during the time june -96 and up to date...I have put a lot of work in my poetry, and in my pages, and I hope they suit you. Thank you for your visit. Do come again later, to get an updated page.. Be aware of the fact that some of the poems are translated from Norwegian and has therefor lost some of their magic...it's sad, but true..*S* ~
Above fields, above asfalt
~A poem that made me cry when i wrote it, because I understand how true it must be to some people...including myself...I hope you like it...~
Angel Tears
~As I was making a great decision, I wrote this as i felt the tears I shed was unneeded, but yet I could not stop them~
Across the Barricades
~He felt he did not belong~
Beloved Sister
~A poem to my soul sister, for thoughts of Faith in a harsh world~
~A poem of feeling blinded by fakeness~
~I think this poem was inspired by the discovery that I make over and over again, of how music and beauty can't always be seen by everybody~
Book of dreams
~A poem I just can't explain~
Chained Wings
~This poem is written to JAC, and merely because one of us now have the right to say that "This poem is written to ME!".. Thanks to him, I started writing again..:)~
~A Poem of True Love~
Cloudy Eyes
~The seconds we escape from sleep, we're all children with cloudy eyes~
~The Cold Dream of Mankind?~
~A poem of confusion~
The Crow
~A poem of human's consciousness~
~This is a poem about how sometimes everything seems so sick and tiwsted and unclear...and you just sit there..~
Dance with Red
~ Yet another poem inspired by Jon Bowser, who's art enchants me so I can not help but write...~
~What darkness is...~
~A poem dedicated to some "friends" who let me down~
~I wish you had decided to stay~
Do not sleep (Sister)
~a poem originally written to my soulsister...(again..*S*) but about fear...~
Don't think
~For someone who thought he could change people by forcing a change in them through....~
~My first English poem, actually a song~
~When truth comes and you wish it hadn't..~
~ The end of a relation is always hard...These are my images...~
~A poem of loneliness and fear, but also of love~
~Who will follow in your footsteps when your feet no longer whisper across the path of life?~
Forgive me
~A poem of seeking forgiveness from someone you love...To Erin~
~My favourit poem...about freedom...~
Freedom - Let go
~My first self-composed song, with guitar...*s* I am not good at that...the lyrics mean alot to me..~
Frozen Rose
~A poem of spiritual love~
Give me a smile
~Loneliness, and the fear of being lonely~
Gone Before
~ A song about the past, and letting it be....you can't change it, you just have to let your eyes search to the future ~
Guinevere (of the Lost Land)
~My sad fairy tale~
Heavenly creature
I fell down
~My second self-composed (popular among my friends...can you believe it?)..with very strong lyrics..~
I miss you
~There's no point in denying anymore...that I miss you (download me singing it;
Kept away
~When thoughts and opinions are kept away~
Lady Winter
~A continue to "The Singer of the Autumn Lullaby"??~
Like the wings of a white swan
~About the soul..~
Melancholy in disguise
~How distorted was a life to be?~
Midnight Poetry
~A new "in touch with nature"-poem as my friend Flynn calls them~
~ I once looked in the mirror...and I couldn't see any reflection...~
Mistress Darkness
~No comment...~
~Feelings of freedom~
~My way of trying to explain how nature's works of art can affect you~
Morning Mist
~The Magic in the Morning Mist~
~Why did I gave you my name to pay me back with lies? another song..~
~A poem that illustrates again my connection to the life and world~
Not just a dove
~A poem about thoughts of Freedom~
~Sometimes I can't see or feel at all~
Only Human
~Too many expectations...~
Painting on the stage of Life
~I wrote this when I felt alone and misunderstood. Until someone laid a hand on my shoulder and told me to relax~
~A poem of thoughts for self-destruction~
~I was your possibilities...a song about gratitude not given~
Not my problem
~ I was saying this alot at the time...and the song came~
Respect (An "ode" to Life)
~About life and death...and respecting and accepting~
~Dont let their meaning fade by being used too much..for nothing..~
Serial Killer
~Who are the real serial killers? They or us? ..a song..~
~A poem about living, being one self~
~Very few quite understands this poem, but those who do knows very much what it means. This is the second poem that is published.~
Sister I see you
~ A song written to Anne, one of my best friends, and to my Soulsister (AGAIN!*L*) Erin~
~ Hmm...I dunno how this started out...:)~
Something in the wind
~Love in vain~
~Lost Love..~
The agony of consciousness
~What price will you pay in search of yourself~
The Horseladies
~The poem about us horseladies, but it is merely more about those who hate standing in the shadows of those who does not act rightously~
The Keeper of the well
~A new fantasy vs reality....or maybe Fantasy, BUT reality poem?
The Price of Our Friendship
~A poem about friendship..~
The bloodband of truth
There is a world
~The poem that always brings tears to my eyes~
There is a world outside my window
~A poem that describes a fear and a longing...for something out of reach?~
These Moments
~The moments we treasure without knowing..~
To My Sister
~It pretty much describes my devotion to my sisters here on the Net and how much I love them all. A sister is more that a friend~
To My Goddess
~A poem written to the Goddess~
~A poem that makes me relax...sets my mind at ease...~
Truthful Decision
~When love fades...~
~A poem of being set free~
The singer of the Autumn Lullaby
~A poem filled with feelings~
The tree of Life
~Words that just came to me, and that mean so much to everybody who feels lost sometimes~
W.I.C.C.A (Why I can't care anymore)
~To all of you who know how it feels when people pours down at you with problems, but never cares about you when you are in need~
~A poem that scares me when I remember that I actually wrote it~
~ My FIRST and ONLY Lovesong! Pathetic perhaps...but truthful and wellmeant..:)~
Thank you for reading my poetry...
Please do visit my other pages..
The Dream Page
My homepage
Maidens of the Heart
About the Author...
Last but not least, I would like to thank all my friends for inspiration and support...First JAC, Erin (my soulsister and Jonathon Earl Bowser...my undying love to you..
Proud Charter Member of
Maidens of the Heart
This page has been accessed alot more then I imagined...!!Thanks all!!
Copyright © 1997 Ingvild Gregersen
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