Welcome to our Guestbook!

Lisa - 11/04/00 23:35:29
My Email:Ltgia324@aol.com
Misitries you support: Lifesongs
Your favorite Bible passage: Romans 8:28
When you were saved: 1992
How did you find our site?: Dottie's newsletter
Your Church: World Harvest


J. Williams - 09/29/00 20:21:32
My URL:http://www.breakthrough.net
My Email:none
Ministries you support: Rod Parsley
Your favorite Bible passage: Mark 16:17
When you were saved: 1992
How did you find our site?: Webwring
Your Church: Non denominational

Thank you for this site.

Mark Jenson - 09/20/00 23:51:29
My URL:http://www.revival.com
My Email:Charismatic
Ministries you support: Rodney Howard-Browne, Kenneth E Hagin
Your favorite Bible passage: Mark 11:24
When you were saved: 1984

Great job!

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