Top Ten Music Picks of the Month

Check these out for yourself! (Milla will always be #1):

Lenny Kravitz has been known to provide listeners with a disco-esque funky sound for years now. Everyone has heard his hit song "Are you gonna go my way?" from his 1993 album, and perhaps even "Rock n' Roll is dead" from Circus. But his new release, 5, opens us up to a world of 70's-inspired sound with intense drumming and electrifying guitar and bass. Cool sound effects can be found in track 2, "Supersoulfighter". Of course we've all heard "Fly Away", the dance-inspiring song that makes us all want to get up and go clubbing. This is truly my favorite song that Kravitz has produced. Thank the radio gods when this song comes on... I always start dancing in my car... ask my friends.. they get quite annoyed when I smack them in the face to shut up when the song comes on. :)

Also, Sarah McLachlin. Her latest LP, Surfacing, is great. I bought it and it's almost always in my CD player. The songs Building a Mystery and Sweet Surrender are two good songs from the album that they've played a bit on MTV.

One CD that has found its way into my collection is by the artist known as Beth Orton. Her music is really cool. Her first CD is titled Trailor Park. She kind of sounds like Fiona Apple with a slight English accent and a Sheryl Crow-type twist. If you have an urge for some new non-mainstream music, check her out.

I'd like to take this opportunity to give snaps to a local band from the Maryland/DC area, Nimbus. You might want to check out the link I've provided because I can tell you straight off that this is a really cool industrial-techno band! Visit their website at

If anyone knows anything about anything I've said above, or has news that should be posted, feel free to e-mail me or sign my guestbook. Thanx!

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