Updated 2.27.02


   Gen13 was one of the first comic books to show people trying to deal with the real world; while coming to terms with their own new discoveries, their inherited abilities. If you've never read any of the books, you must start from the beginning and then you will discover it was not just a hype, but a look upon life.

   Here is a little site history: You have enter Project: Genesis's Gen13 Page. A while back it was formally known as Superman's GENeration, which was created back in late 1996 / early 1997. It is the same site, just a different name and more content. Being one of the original sites up, I have decided to leave as much of the contain that has been collected availible to everyone. This was due to the fact that many sites, even Gen13.com has fallen.

   Sorry there have been few updates. I once really enjoyed reading GEN 13 for several years, but after Campell and Garner left the project so do I. Its very hard to turn over a creation to someone who has never worked with the creator of Gen13. Recently I came across a set of issues and bought them. Issue number 72 was just released, so there must be some fans still out there. I was a little disappointed to hear that some of the newbies working on the project don't really understand what they are working on.

     If you have anything you would like to submit to this site, don't be afraid to email me (the_gen13@hotmail.com).  The email address is an older one, so it might take a little longer for me to check.  I always do my best to reply to every email.  Hopefully you will enjoy this site.  Unlike many sites out there I try to always use my own work in designs and content that should make it unique, while listening to my visitors. Thank you all.
