If you're interested in writing fanfiction, contact me at: sammy3@ix.netcom.com

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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.


1) This is an attempt at writing an ER episode rather than an ER story. Consequently, it doesn't have the strong single narrative thread seen in most fanfic. I wanted to see if I could write an episode, and all I can say is, it's much harder than it looks on TV!

2) All medical dialogue is VERY dubious. I apologise if the characters are prescribing lethal doses of inappropriate drugs, or doing any other apparently bizarre medical things. Similarly, the trauma scenes might end a bit abruptly, basically because I got stuck on what they would do next!

3) I've introduced a new character, of my own invention. I would just like to add that I started work on this before I heard the rumour that the English actress Alex Kingston has landed a role in ER. Great minds think alike!!

Well, I hope you enjoy it - any comments gratefully received. Mail me at


"The British Are Coming"

It's a quiet summer morning in the ER. A young woman enters from upstairs. She's short, petite, almost delicate to look at. Her hair is long and dark, but tied up in a French plait; her complexion is pale and her eyes are large and dark. A heavy bag is slung over one shoulder, and she shifts it awkwardly as she looks about her, deciding where to go. She's not nervous or distressed: if anything, she looks excited.

Mark Greene hurries past, eyes fixed on a chart. She watches him for a moment, before spotting the admissions desk. Readjusting her heavy bag, she makes her way towards reception. Jerry is on duty, his fingers and mouth full of donuts. Gratefully easing her bag to the floor, the woman speaks: as soon as she does so her accent betrays her as English.

LUCY: Hello. I wonder if you can help me? I'm looking for Dr Greene. He should be expecting me.

JERRY [nods slowly, and speaks around a mouthful of donut]: You're English, right?

LUCY: Yes, I certainly am.

JERRY: I'm good with accents.

LUCY: Right.

[There's a pause, and when it appears that Jerry isn't going to add anything else, she speaks again.]

LUCY: So is Dr Greene here? [rummaging in her bag] I have another name too somewhere [she pulls out a piece of folded paper] Dr Weaver?

JERRY [a light goes on in his head]: Oh, you're here to see Dr Greene!

[Lucy stares at him in amused astonishment.]

JERRY: I'll page him.

CAROL [bustles up to the desk, and leans over it towards Jerry]: Jerry, page Benton. Doug needs him in trauma 2.

JERRY: Well I was just...

CAROL: Now, Jerry.

JERRY [He shrugs apologetically at Lucy, and turns to page Benton]: Sorry

LUCY: That's okay

CAROL [looks sideways at Lucy, figuring out who she is]: Can I help you?

LUCY: I'm looking for Dr Greene. [Nodding towards Jerry] He was about to page him for me.

CAROL: You're Lucy Tennant?

LUCY [smiles in relief - at least someone knows who she is!]: Yes. Yes I am.

CAROL [shifts the files she's carrying into one arm, and holds out her hand]: Carol Hathaway. I'm the Nurse Manager.

LUCY: Pleased to meet you.

CAROL: You just flown in then?

LUCY: This morning. Dr Greene asked me to come in and do all the admin before my first shift. He said if I was here by ten...

CAROL [nods, and looks about her. No one else is free, as usual. Shifting the heavy files again...]: I don't think he's busy. Come on, I'll find him.

[Lucy follows Carol down the corridor towards the doctor's lounge. They weave their way through the usual load of slightly disorderly patients. Lucy gets jostled by a drunk involved in an altercation with a patient, if slightly weary, nurse. Jet lagged and disorientated - nothing is familiar, nothing is quite like it should be - Lucy steps back, a little alarmed. Carol comes to her rescue, and calmly seats the mouldy old drunk in the waiting room. She turns to Lucy, her face deadpan.]

CAROL: You'll love it here.

LUCY [brushes at the dirty fingerprints the drunk has left on her clean shirt, and tries to regain her composure. She's embarrassed, and comes over a trifle acerbic]: It's nothing I haven't seen before.

CAROL [shrugging]: Sure.

[They carry on down the corridor to the doctor's lounge. Carol pushes the door wide open revealing Mark sitting at the desk, engrossed in paper work. He looks up at the sound.]

CAROL [holding the door for Lucy]: Visitor for you, Dr Greene.

LUCY [walks half into the room, uncertain. Everything's a lot bigger and more abrasive than she's used to - even the people seem larger, somehow]: Hello. I hope I'm not too early...

MARK [stands up, confused at first and then suddenly he remembers. Looking at his watch he cringes slightly, failing to hide it - "Oh shit, I forgot!"]: Dr Tennant, I'm sorry! I was meant to meet you ...[walking forward, he holds out his hand] Mark Greene.

LUCY [shakes his hand, and smiles. He forgot I was coming! Great start. Still, he seems friendly enough]: It's nice to meet you Dr Greene.

MARK: Mark, please.

LUCY [smiles again, and looks about her. Suddenly it hits her. Here she is - this is where she'll be spending most of the next two years! In Chicago - in America! Wow! Suddenly she's excited again, and full of anticipation. THIS IS IT! She speaks quietly...]: So this is it!

MARK [nods]: This is it all right. Welcome to Cook County General, Dr Tennant.


Act One