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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

"House Call"
Part One


(Doug and Carol are in the doctors lounge. Doug is sat at one end of a couch and Carol is laid down, with her head resting on his lap. He is stroking her hair. They are both laughing, when Mark walks in. They dont notice he has entered and start to kiss. Mark stands with his hands on his hips, smiling.)

Mark: So, tell me. Are you two actually gonna do any work today?

(Doug looks at Mark and Carol sits up, trying not to laugh.)

Doug: Errrr.... Were thinking about it, yeah.

Mark (sarcastically): Good, because I wouldnt want to think you were being overworked. I dont think Id be able to live with myself.

(Carol gives him a wide-eyed look and smiles. She gets up and walks over to the refrigerator. She opens it up and studies the contents. Mark sits down at a table and takes a folder out of his bag. He opens it up and spreads the papers all over. He starts writing on a sheet of paper and Doug gets up and walks over, to stand behind Carol. He puts his arms around her waist and kisses her neck.)

Doug: Hey you... I missed you.

Carol: Doug, I only walked across the room.

(Carol turns around and kisses him. Mark looks over at them.)

Mark: Oh, you two make me wanna throw up. Can't you go somewhere and do that in private?

(Doug looks at Mark and chuckles.)

Doug: You're just jealous.

(Doug looks back at Carol.)

Doug: No, I want everybody to know Im with the most beautiful woman in the world.

Carol: Oh Doug, thats so sweet.

(She kisses him and Mark sighs.)

Mark: So, have we got a date for the wedding yet?

(Doug closes the refrigerator, takes Carols hand, and leads her back to the couch.)

Doug: Sure have, Buddy... July 1st.

Mark (raises his eyebrows): Wow... only a month away.

Doug (chuckles): I know, isnt is fantastic?

(Doug and Carol kiss again. Mark stands up and takes Carols hand. He pulls her up off the couch.)

Mark: Dont you two EVER give up? Come on, Carol, off to work.

Carol: Oh but Mark...

Mark (pointing to the door): GO!

(Mark sits back down at his table. Carol sighs and Doug stands up.)

Doug (talking quietly, trying not to let Mark hear): You better go, sweetheart. You know what hes like when hes JEALOUS!

(He says the last word loud enough for Mark to hear, and Mark looks at Doug with an amused look on his face.)

Carol: Okay. Miss you already, Pumpkin.

Doug: Me too... Dont forget about tonight.

Carol: I wont.

(They give each other a quick kiss and Carol walks out the room. Doug sits down opposite Mark with a huge smile on his face. Mark laughs.)

Doug: What?

Mark: Oh, nothing.

Doug: Come on, Mark. What are you laughing at?

Mark: Nothing... nothing at all... Its just great to see you happy.

Doug: Yeah, well I am... For the first time in my entire life, Im truly happy.

Mark: Thats great Doug... really, it is. Im very happy for you... for the both of you.

Doug: Thanks, buddy.

Mark: So, whats happening tonight?

Doug: Im going over to Carols place. Its our five month anniversary, since we got back together. Were gonna have a nice romantic meal... You know, candlelight, soft music...

Mark: I didnt know you went in for all that.

Doug: I didn't... till I got back with Carol.

(Mark pulls a face.)

Mark: Oh, now I AM going to throw up!

(Doug sits back in his chair, like hes there for the whole day.)

Mark: Hey, when I told Carol there was work to be done, I meant it... Doug?

(Doug looks at Mark and stands up.)

Doug: Sorry, Mark. Just thinking about tonight.

(Doug walks over to the door.)

Mark: Yeah, I bet you were. Have a good time... Pumpkin!

(Mark smiles and Doug picks up a piece of screwed up paper, thats in the bin near the door. He throws it at him and Mark dodges out of the way, laughing.)



(Its five oclock. Carol is standing in her kitchen. She looks at her watch and sighs.)

Carol: Come on, Doug. Where are you?

(Just at that point, the doorbell rings. Carol walks to the door.)

Carol: Oh, at last.

(She talks as she opens the door.)

Carol: Doug, why didnt you use your key...

(She stands there shocked... looking at the visitor standing on her doorstep. Its John Taglieri.)

Carol: Tag!... Wh-What are you doing here?

Tag: Hey, Carol. Can I come in?

Carol: Erm... Sure, I guess.

(She stands aside to let him past. He walks into the dining room and sits down. Carol looks outside, before she closes the door, to see if she can see Doug. She walks into the dining room and takes a seat next to him. There are two places set at the table. Candles are placed in the middle and there is a large bunch of flowers too. There is an awkward silence. Carol smiles.)

Tag (pointing at the table): This is nice... I didnt mean to ruin your dinner.

Carol: That's okay... Im waiting for...

(She bites her lip and she looks down.)

Tag: Doug?

(Carol looks up.)

Carol: How did you know?

Tag: I heard about you two... Its the reason I came.

(Carol looks surprised.)

Carol: Oh.

Tag (smiles): Dont look so surprised. I just thought I'd come and offer my congratulations.

(Carol looks at him, trying to work out if this is all a trick.)

Tag: Honestly, Carol. I did. No matter what's happened between us in the past, I still want you to be happy.

Carol (smiles): Thats really sweet of you, Tag.

Tag: I want you to be happy, Carol. Thats all I ask for. I know things didn't work out between us... Im not surprised really. All the time we were going out, even when we were engaged, I could tell you still loved Doug... I'm pleased we didn't get married. I wouldn't have wanted you to be unhappy, Carol, not for anything. If wed got married, then you would have been unhappy... Are you happy now?... With Doug?

(Carol could feel tears welling up in her eyes, but she didnt let them fall.)

Carol: The happiest Ive ever been.

Tag: Then, thats good. I'm pleased.

(Tag stands up.)

Carol: Thank you for coming, Tag. It means a lot to me. You know I'll always love you.

Tag: Yeah... You're just not IN love with me, right?

Carol (looks down, and then back up at Tag): I love Doug, with all my heart. Deep down, I always have. I just tried to push my feelings aside, so as not to get hurt again. But I dont have to do that anymore. Hes changed, Tag. He really has. Theres nobody in the world, I want more than him. I love him.

(Carol smiles, and a single tear falls down her cheek. Tag sighs.)

Tag: Good... Then I wish you every luck in the world.

(He smiles back at her and gives her a gentle kiss on the mouth... just as Doug walks in the room.)

Doug: Carol, Im sorry Im late. The traffic was...

(He stands and looks at Carol and Tag. They are both looking at him, shocked and open-mouthed. Carol has her hands on Tags shoulders and she quickly moves them.)

Carol: Doug! This is not what it looks like...

Doug (shouting): Save it, Carol! I don't wanna know!

(Doug turns around and runs out the door. Carol chases him to the door.)

Carol (shouting): Doug!... Doug!... This is not what it looks like...

(Carol walks back into the dining room. She puts a hand up to her mouth and turns to Tag.)

Carol (distressed): What am I going to do? He didn't give me a chance to explain...

(Tears start to fall down her face. Tag takes a step towards her.)

Carol: No, Tag. I think you'd better go.

Tag: Im so sorry, Carol. I didnt mean for this to happen. You know I didnt.

Carol: I know... but Doug doesnt...



(Mark is sat at a computer in the ER. He is typing in some notes, when he sees Carol walk up to the desk. He smiles.)

Mark: Hey, Carol. What are you doing at work? I thought you'd be well into your romantic dinner with Pumpkin by now.

(He laughs and then stops when he sees the distressed look on her face.)

Mark: Carol?... You okay?

Carol: Oh, Mark...

(Carol starts to cry.)

Carol: I dont know what to do...

(Mark walks around the desk and puts his arm around her shoulders. He leads her to the doctors lounge.)

Mark: Carol, whats wrong?... Whats he done now?

(They enter the lounge and sit down on the couch.)

Carol: No, its me. Ive done it again... I've gone and done it again...

Mark (confused): Done what?

Carol: I've kissed another man and Doug saw me...

Mark: Carol, I still dont know what you're talking about. Whats going on? What do you mean, you kissed another man?

Carol: Remember at the party? I kissed Shep to make Doug jealous?

Mark (shocked): You kissed Shep AGAIN?

Carol: No... I kissed Tag.

Mark (shaking his head): Oh, Carol. Im confused... Why did you kiss Tag? I thought you were happy with Doug.

Carol: I was... I still am... The kiss didnt mean anything, I swear... Tag came round to congratulate us for the engagement.

Mark: To congratulate you?

Carol: Yeah, I know. I was surprised too... Anyway, Doug was late for our dinner and we sat talking for a while. He told me that he was happy that Id finally found somebody I truly loved. We stopped talking and I gave him a kiss goodbye. Thats all it was, Mark. I swear... just a kiss goodbye... but then Doug came in and caught us... And now... I dont know where he is. I've checked his house, all the bars he used to hang out in... You're my last resort... Please tell me he's here...

Mark: Im sorry, Carol... He isn't. Didnt you explain to him that the kiss meant nothing... that it was just a goodbye kiss?

Carol: He didn' t give me chance. He just ran out the door... Mark, I've never seen him so angry. What if he NEVER gives me a chance to explain?

Mark: He will.

Carol: How can you be so sure?

Mark: Carol, Ive known Doug a long time, and during that time, weve had MANY arguments. He always goes off in a sulk and comes back. Trust me, Carol. He'll be back. Then you can explain to him what happened... He'll have gone off somewhere to cool off... probably just gone for a walk. You'll find him, Carol, and when you do, he'll understand. You two have gone through so much to get where you are now. He won't ruin it, I promise.

(Carol gives Mark a weak smile and he puts his arm around her.)

Carol: Do you know what frightens me the most though?... After I first found the letter, the ONLY thing that kept going through my mind was, Can I trust him? I was so worried I wouldnt be able to, but hes changed , Mark, he really has... but now its the other way round... HE doesn't trust ME!

Mark: I'm sure he does, Carol. Like I said, he just needs time to cool off. Once hes realised it was all a misunderstanding, hell come crawling back... just like he always does.

(Mark grins at Carol and she smiles back at him.)

Mark: Now, you go home. He's probably already waiting to apologise for running off.

(Cut to show the outside of a front door. We see somebody's hand reach up and knock. Cut to show Doug's face as we hear the door open. The light from inside the house shines on his face and he smiles.)

Doug: Hey you... Can I come in?

(Cut to show Doug walking into the house. We still dont know who the house belongs to. Cut to show Doug sit down in a chair. He looks up and smiles.)

Doug: You look great.

(Cut to show a woman stood in front of him. Its Linda Farrell.)


Part Two