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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

"Twilight Zone: No Medicine Attached"
Part One

(Benton standing in front of elevator in blue surgical scrubs. Head covered. Holding a chart in his left hand resting it upwards between his arm and his side. Carter rushes to him.)

Carter: Dr. Benton, glad I caught you before you went upstairs. Dr. Hicks
invited me to assist her with a . . .

(Benton puts up a hand. He smiles.)

Benton: Go.

Carter: (smiling) Thank you, Dr. Benton. (exits)

(Elevator door opens and Benton walks in. He faces foreword as doors close.)

(Int. Doctor's lounge. Ross is making coffee. Enter Greene.)

Greene: Hey, Doug.

Ross: (looking up from coffee maker) Hey, Mark, what's up?

Greene: (Greene crosses room and leans against the lockers.) Not much. Just thinking about tonight.

Ross: Who are you going to see tonight?

Greene: Her name is Lolita.

Ross: (poking fun) Lolita. (He exchanges a look with Greene.) So where did you meet, Lolita?

Greene: You know, the usual place.

Ross: A bar?

(Greene nods)

Ross: And where are you taking Lolita?

Greene: Dinner, dancing, wine and dine. Then back to my place for the usual nightcap.

Ross: (stepping up to Greene and putting his hand on Greene's shoulder) When are you going to settle down?

Greene: I'm too young to settle down.

Ross: Your hairline tells me different. (smiles)

Greene: (touching hairline) Hey, leave my hair alone. It's sexy.

(Ross chuckles)

Greene: (childishly) Well at least I get more than you!

Ross: I don't need as much. I'm very happy with my current relationship.

Greene: So where are you and the little woman going tonight?

Ross: I'm taking Carol to the opera.

Greene: (laughs) The opera? That's some kind of joke, right? We're supposed to burst out laughing right now, aren't we?

Ross: No. I'm taking Carol to see "The Marriage of Figaro".

Greene: (laughs again, and can hardly control is, but tries to stifle it down) All right, Doug. Whatever you say. "Marriage of Figaro" it is. (exits, stifling giggles.)

(Int. Conference Room. Anspaugh in front. Many doctors in seats.)

Anspaugh: I am here to present the Doctor of the Month award. As many of you already know, this award goes to the doctor who has been excellent as well as kind. Who's medical abilities and bedside manner exceeds all others. This month, I am proud to present this prestigious award to, Dr. Kerry Weaver.

(Weaver stands from her chair and limps to Dr. Anspaugh. He hands her the award and she shakes his hand. The others clap and cheer.)

(Admin. desk. Hath standing reading over charts. Greene approaches.)

Greene: I heard where you're going tonight.

Hath: It's already all over the ER?

Greene: "The Marriage of Figaro".

Hath: Damn that man. (smiles) You must think we are totally hopeless.

Greene: Not totally, but reaching the critical peak.

Hath: Doug is such a sap.

Greene: Well, you're the one who's been with him forever.

Hath: That's because I didn't want to fall for the King of One-Nighters.

Greene: (clutches chest) Ooh! Ouch! I'm bleeding internally. Somebody call a doctor.

Hath: Naw, they wouldn't help you. `Let him die!' they'd say. Make woman kind safe for a while.

Greene: You are not a nice woman.

Hath: I know.

Greene: So that's why they call you Nurse Bitch-Queen.

Hath: (walking away) Now I'm bleeding internally.

(Int. Doctor's lounge. Ross sitting at a table finishing a cup of coffee. Enter Lewis, carrying a large bag.)

Lewis: Hey, Doug.

Ross: Hi, Susan.

(Lewis puts bag into a locker.)

Ross: Just took Little Chloe to baby-sitting?

Lewis: Yeah. (closes locker and sits across from Ross.) She did the cutest thing today.

Ross: Aww. What is that?

Lewis: She spit up all over my shirt.

Ross: Aww. How precious. (smiles)

Lewis: So how are you doing today?

Ross: Same as usual. But I am going to the opera tonight.

Lewis: Oh, really?

Ross: Yeah. Carol and I are seeing "The Marriage of Figaro".

Lewis: Did you tell Mark?

Ross: Of course. And he laughed at me, like he usually does.

Lewis: Aw, but that's just Mark. He laughs at everybody.

Ross: (smiles) Yeah, I know.

(Int. Cafe. Carter is sitting at a table with Gant.)

Gant: You know, I really like Benton. He is so easy to work with, gives terrific advice and has got to be the nicest guy I've ever met. I'm glad I have the opportunity to work under him.

Carter: What are you talking about? Benton is a pushover! The only reason I signed onto his team was because I knew he'd let me do whatever I wanted. I've done more surgeries than I can count, and I'm only a first year resident.

Gant: Oh, C'mon, Carter. You've worked with him for over two years. You must have something positive to say about him.

Carter: Benton is too soft. Everything gets to him. He's been a practicing surgeon for three years, and I still catch him getting teary-eyed when a patient dies.

Gant: You are impossible, Carter.

Carter: That's what they love about me.

(Admin. desk. Weaver standing, looking at chart. Hath approaches.)

Hath: Congratulations, Kerry.

Weaver: On what?

Hath: Doctor of the Month.

Weaver: Oh. Thank you, Carol, but I was hoping someone else would receive it this month.

Hath: Naw. . .You deserved it.

Weaver: But there are so many other doctors and nurses here who do a much better job that I do. I think I'm going to put your name in for this month.

Hath: But I'm not a doctor.

Weaver: Well, we'll just have to change it to read "ER Worker of the Month".

Hath: That would be sweet, but I already know who is going to win next month.

Weaver: Who?

Hath: Benton. You and Dr. Benton switch for Doctor of the Month. It's like a surgical rotation.

Weaver: Well, whatever happened to Jeanie Boulet? I really enjoyed her work.

Hath: Oh, she had to leave because of problems concerning one of our doctors.

Weaver: Really? What happened?

Hath: Well, Mark Greene took her out one night when she first came here, and ever since that night she had been in love with him. Since he couldn't stop his extreme, fast-paced love life just to be with her, she ended up getting a transfer to a hospital in Phoenix.

Weaver: You know, Mark isn't that bad of a guy. He's got a lot of good qualities about him. Nobody ever takes the time to see them.

Hath: Oh, I've seen them. I just don't want to wake up in the morning to them.

(Int. Corridor. Lewis walking. Passes Greene. They stop.)

Lewis: I heard about your date with Lolita.

Greene: The life of a single man. (sighs) Busy all the time.

Lewis: And I heard that you laughed at Doug.

Greene: You didn't?

Lewis: Of course not. "The Marriage of Figaro" is a great opera.

Greene: How did I know you'd say that?

(Lewis smiles and shrugs.)

Greene: How's the rugrat?

Lewis: Little Chloe is doing great. She spit up on me this morning. It was so cute.

Greene: (sarcastic) Aww. That sounds like cause for a celebration.

Lewis: How did I know you'd say that?

(Greene shrugs and smiles)

(Int. office. Carter sitting at desk, working on charts. Enter Edson.)

Edson: Hey, Carter.

Carter: Hi, Dale.

(Edson crosses to front of desk and sits down in a chair.)

Edson: Whatcha up to?

Carter: (still looking down at papers) Just working on charts.

Edson: Say, I was wondering. Maybe we can grab a beer together after work. It'll be fun. What time are you off?

Carter: Look, Dale, I'm a bit too busy today to bond with you.

Edson: Yeah. I'm, pretty busy myself. Gonna assist Dr. Hicks with at three o'clock.

Carter: No you're not. That's my surgery.

Edson: Hicks just asked me if I wanted to assist.

Carter: (looking up for the first time) Well, you're not. (Stands up) Hicks knows I work alone. And I certainly don't want to work in the same room as you. (begins to leave, angrily)

(Edson stands)

Edson: John. (He cuts in front of Carter.) John. If it means that much to you, I'll withdraw from the surgery.

Carter: (pushing Edson aside) Get out of my way. (exits)

(Edson stands in office, watching Carter leave.)

(Admin. desk. Hath is standing. Ross comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.)

Ross: Hi, beautiful.

Hath: Hi, Doug.

(Hath turns around and they kiss.)

Hath: So how many more people know you are taking me to the opera tonight?

Ross: Not everyone.

(Hath glares at him.)

Ross: O.K. So I have a big mouth. So, sue me.

Hath: Don't worry, I'll get you back.

Ross: What is your beautiful, twisted mind thinking?

Hath: Revenge.

Ross: Oh, c'mon, Carol. The opera is nice. Even Susan said so.

Hath: She would. She's a wuss, just like you.

Ross: I do love you.

Hath: (kisses him) And no matter how many opera's I get dragged to, I will always love you too.

(Admin. desk. Benton and Weaver standing.)

Benton: Oh, before I forget. Congrats on Doctor of the Month.

Weaver: Thank you, Peter. I was hoping, however, that someone else would win.

Benton: I know how you feel.

Weaver: So how do you think the residents are doing?

Benton: Well, evaluations are coming up, and I feel that every one of them is doing a superb job. Especially Dennis Gant. He is one of the finest doctors I know. He's intelligent, has great surgical hands, and his patient skills are fantastic. He reminds me of me when I was a first year resident.

Weaver: Maybe he should be Doctor of the Month.

(Benton smiles)

(A nurse runs up to Benton and Weaver)

Nurse: Dr. Benton. There is a doctor on the roof. He's planning to jump off. You have to get him down.

Benton: (worried look) Oh, my God. All right. (runs with nurse. Weaver follows.)

(Ext. Roof. Edson is standing on edge of roof looking down. Benton, Weaver and nurse enter roof.)

Benton: (calling out) Dale?

(Edson turns around)

Edson: Don't try to stop me, Dr. Benton. My mind is made up!

Benton: (taking a few steps foreword) Dale. You don't have to do this. Why don't you come down and we can talk about this.

Edson: There is nothing for me to live for.

Benton: What about all the people you can save? You are a great surgeon.

Edson: Why save other people when I can't save myself? (takes a few steps on the edge of the roof) Have you ever been in love, Dr. Benton?

Benton: Yes, Dale. I am in love right now.

Edson: Well, so am I. And it hurts, Dr. Benton. Have you ever been in love with someone who hates you? Someone who despises even the look of you? (beginning to cry) Someone who won't even stand in the same room as you?

Benton: I know it's hard, Dale. But you will find someone who loves you just as much as you love them.

Edson: But I don't want anyone else! (turns from Benton and looks down) (quieter) I don't want anyone else. (tuns back to Benton) Tell me about your love, Dr. Benton.

Benton: Her name is Carla. She is having a baby. We are getting married in the spring.

Edson: (laughs) Well, let me tell you about my love. My love is smart, beautiful, perfect. There is no one else I'd rather be with. The smile, the eyes, the way of the walk. . .everything is what I want. But, unlike you Dr. Benton, my love hates me. And I don't want to live with that anymore. (turns around again)

Benton: Dale, please. Come down and we can talk about this. You will see that there is light in this dark situation. C'mon, Dale. Nobody wants you to die!

Edson: (quietly, to himself) John does. (begins to lean foreword.)

Benton: (rushing towards Edson) Oh my God.

(Edson leans foreword enough to fall over the side. Benton reaches out and grabs Edson by the ankles. He presses Edson's legs against his side, and extends an arm out.)

Benton: Give me your hand!

Edson: (crying hysterically) Let me go, Dr. Benton!

Benton: Give me your hand, Dale! Let me help you!

(Edson reaches up and takes Benton's hand. Benton pulls Edson up and wraps his arm around Edson's shoulders. They walk inside. Weaver and nurse follow.)

Part Two