If you're interested in writing fanfiction, contact me at: sammy3@ix.netcom.com

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Union Station: Coming Home
By: Emma Day

Part Eight

Mark was awake when the alarm buzzed. He slapped it off
quickly, but not soon enough.

"What time is it?" she mumbled.

"Early. Go back to sleep," he whispered gently, reaching out
to stroke her face. He smiled in the darkness. It was still
too wonderful to believe; she was really there!

"Where are you going?" she asked rolling onto her back. Her
voice was heavy with sleep.

"Where do you think?" he said, slipping out of bed.

"You have to work today?"

"I'm sorry," he sat down next to her, reached over and stroked
the hair out of her face. It was hard to leave. His heart
melted at the very site of her.

"You shouldn't have been out so late last night," she
murmured, "you hardly got any sleep."

He smiled again. "I'll be fine."

"What time do you get off?" she asked.


"I'll meet you then, shall I?"

He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. "I can't wait. Now
go back to sleep."

"Ok." She sighed and rolled over. "Mark," she called as he
was leaving the room. "I love you."

His heart jumped, and he turned to look at her. She smiled
sleepily at him, and he thought he would burst with the love
that welled-up from deep inside. "I love you too," he said
softly. "Go back to sleep."



Well, if you reached the end, thank you - I hope you liked it!
I just have a couple of things to say. First, I hope it
wasn't blindingly obvious from reading this that I'm English.
For the sake of authenticity, I tried to keep it as American
sounding as possible, but a few English expressions or the
occasional piece of English phraseology may have crept in.
Not to mention English spellings. So, if any of the
characters sounded like they were talking a bit strangely,
that might be why!

Secondly, a couple of technical issues. I think that the
hospital canteen is in the basement, and that the ER is on the
ground floor, and that's how I wrote this. My husband,
however, insists that the canteen is upstairs. So, I
apologise if I was wrong! Similarly, I don't know if Carol
Hathaway's house has a porch. It seems like most American
houses do, so I gave her one. Again, if I'm wrong, sorry!

Well, this is my first attempt at fan fiction, and it's really
rather fun! I'd appreciate any comments, as long as they're
polite, so if you have any please send them to me at:


Thanks for your time!