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This site was last updated  05/01/99and will from now on not be updated anymore
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This page has been accessed times since 09/27/96

The final list ever, the list for May 1999 is here and has seven newcomers on it. As always, try out the list without pictures if you're running low on bandwidth and patience... This is the last list I'll ever do (unless something really groundbreaking will happen). I have been doing this for four years now, so it wasn't an easy decision to quit. However, I don't really think that I have the time to make a new, fresh list each month anymore. Also, the interest in the list has decreased steadily during the last year. I am now at a point where the total number of visitors to my site is really low. As a comparison, I have another site that has the same number of visitors in two days that this site has in a whole month. So, I'm basically calling it a day. Having said that, it has been some fun four years. Don't expect links to external site to be up to date as they will not be updated from now on.

The Top 50 list is no longer updated monthly!

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