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This bio was last updated  08/09/98.

The story behind the list in the shape of a F.A.Q.

Question: So, who the heck is Mauvaise Honte?

Answer: I'm an engineer from Sweden in my late twenties who spend a lot of time working with this list as a hobby in my spare time.

Question: Is this Top 50 Hottest Women thingie another male chauvinist pig thing that you are up to?

Answer: I don't think so, really! This list has never meant to be degrading to women, it is on the contrary more a salute to the most successful women in the Entertainment Business right now.

Question: Who selects the women on the list?

Answer: Well, in the end, I will always be the one who decides who should be on the list and at what positions the women featured should be placed. The new voting feature will however from now on let you as readers decide who at least two of the newcomers each month should be.

Question: Why can't people vote on the actual list?

Answer:  I know that it may seem a bit strange, but there are a number of reasons why people don't get to vote on the actual list. First of all, there are a lot of really great people surfing the Net (you being one of them) but let's face it, they don't represent the average population of the world. The average user of the Internet is probably still an American guy, who is about 20 years old. That leads to a risk that the list would be more of a Top 50 Hottest women of USA list, something which I would like to avoid since the list is meant to be really international.

Another reason why I don't think voting would work is the lobbying groups. Once in a wile, I tend to receive a large numbers of mails, that all basically are about the same woman. Usually, those posts are caused by a homepage, dedicated to the very same woman, telling its visitors to promote her so that she becomes no. 1 on the list. Fun, yes, but fair, no.

A final reason why people are not allowed to vote is that I fear that the list may become too static. There's a risk that the same women ends up in the Top 10 each month and that would be just plain boring.

Question: How do you select the women that appear on the list?

Answer: I'm keeping my eyes open for what is going on in the World of Entertainment. My sources of information are TV shows, Movies, Magazines and Newspapers, the Net, Music Charts, Movie Charts, etc., but also input from you. Since living in Sweden means that I have access both to the American and European sources of information,  I think that I have pretty good sources for finding International women.

Question: Yeah, yeah, but what qualities in a women makes her appear on this list?

Answer:  The criteria for if a women should be on the list and at what position she should be placed are the following: media exposure, recent work, how well the recent work has been received, positions in charts and polls, awards, charm, beauty, intelligence, skills and finally what you as a reader think. Also, it is important that the women are international celebrities, known in more than one country.

Question: Why are there so many Americans on the list?

Answer: Well, because the list reflects the world of entertainment and that world is ruled by the US. Most popular movie and TV stars either are US citizens or have moved to USA to make movies/TV productions. In the world of music, the situation is better. There are normally a number of good musicians from all parts of the world on the list.

Question: So why should I care about what you think and about your list?

Answer: You don't have to! Isn't freedom of choice a good thing, BTW? But if you like me enjoy charts you will probably appreciate this list, since it is one of the few truly independent lists in this area that is published regularly (each month).

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