Season Number: 5 Production (Airing) Number: 499 (99)
Part II of II: ( Part I: Broken Link )
Guest Stars: Robert O'Reilly - Gowron
J.G. Hertzler - General Martok
Marc Alaimo - Gul Dukat
Casey Biggs - Damar
Director: James L. Conway
Writing: Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Summary: Captain Sisko and Dax barely make it back from a Starfleet Command meeting due to the increasingly hostile war conditions with the Klingons. Starfleet Command has decided to send Captain Sisko into the heart of the Klingon Empire to determine whether or not Chancellor Gowron is being impersonated by a Changeling. Sisko, along with O'Brien, Odo and Worf must penetrate Klingon territory, disguised as Klingons in a stolen Bird-of-Prey. Even if successful can they determine if the actions of the High council are motivated by Changelings?