Guiding Light Links
Return to Index.
Other Links:
All My Children
Another World
Days of Our Lives
General Hospital
Port Charles
Sunset Beach
Links progress, Aug. 13. Partly done.

Adding/Modifying Links
Fill out the Link Form.

Aug. 13, 2003: Interested in getting a tape of Richard and Cassie's wedding? I can make copies of it (two episodes). Cost is $7 including postage within the U.S. I will also send to Canada, but keep in mind that postage costs will be higher. E-mail and PLEASE mention that you are asking about the Richard/Cassie wedding tape.

Recent Additions

General Sites
Addi's Guiding Light Page
GL Insider
GL Online
Guiding Light CBS--official site.
Guiding Light Fan Club
Guiding Light News and Previews
Guiding Light Online Community--no longer being updated, but contains history of show and other useful sections.
Sentieri (Guiding Light) Online--Italian and English versions.
Welcome to Guiding Light

Chat Rooms
CGS Chat Room
Guiding Light News and Previews
MediaDomain GL Chat Room
Yahoo! Chat Calendar

Chat Transcripts
Soap Opera Digest

Crew Listing
Guiding Light Fan Club
Guiding Light News and Previews

Fan Club
Guiding Light Fan Club

Fan Fiction
The Beacon GL Fanfic
General: FollyWorld
Guiding Light...OUR WAY!
Guiding Light Soap Fan Fiction
Jello Monkey (humor)
LID: A Light in the Dark
Manny Fiction Addiction
Manny Interactive Fan Fiction
The Rustle of the Sheets
Other Characters:
Brad Addicts (Richard)
Fiona Fest (Jenna)
JEVA Fan Fiction Page!
The Land of Jeva Fanfic
The Phillip and Harley Page
The Quint and Nola Homepage--updated Oct. '97.
Virtual Quola (Quint & Nola)--updated Oct. '97.

Beauty and the Beast: A Manny Webpage
GL Online
Guiding Light News and Previews
Shannan's Guiding Light Page (Java required)

The background of various characters can be found on many sites listed in the Cast/Character section.
Guiding Light News and Previews
Guiding Light Online Community

Blissfully Blossie
Guiding Light News & Previews
Jello Monkey
The Quint and Nola Homepage
The Rustle of the Sheets (Manny)
Soap Scum
The Springfield Mailbag

Daytime Treasures
Guiding Light News and Previews (merchandise list/links)
Hold On To Love (recording of GL theme song)

Message Boards
Coffeerooms GL Board
Continuity Reports Board
GL Couples
GL Online
GL Shills' Message Board
Guiding Light News and Previews
Jabot's GL Discussion Group
A Labyrinth of GL and JAG (Richard/Cassie)
The Springfield Mailbag
Mannyac Discussion Board
MediaDomain GL Board
Prince Richard and Reva
Yahoo GL Message Board

Always Reva, Always Bud
Amanda's GL Page
Aya's Guiding Light Page
Fletch-Fest (Fletcher sounds)
Guiding Light Online Community
Guiding Light Shill Page (theme songs only)
Guiding Light: The Wedding of the Century (Jova)
The Manny Webpage (animations)
The Phillip and Harley Page
The Quint and Nola Homepage
Welcome to Guiding Light

GL Online
Guiding Light CBS
Guiding Light Fan Club
Guiding Light News and Previews
TV Guide


Doodle's GL Page
GL Online (Through Your Eyes)
Guiding Light News and Previews (opinion column)
Guiding Light Shill Page
The Jim and Beth Homepage
RateItAll: Guiding Light

GL Online
The GL Polling Center
Guiding Light Fan Club
Guiding Light Shill Page
Jennifer's GL Page
Welcome to Guiding Light

Amanda's GL Page (general quotes)
Aya's Guiding Light Page (general quotes)
Beauty and the Beast: A Manny Webpage (Manny quotes)
Guiding Light News and Previews
Guiding Light Online Community (general quotes)
The Rustle of the Sheets (Manny quotes)

Always Reva...Always Bud (dating to Aug. 1998)
GL Online (dating to 1996)
Guiding Light CBS
Guiding Light Online Community (1994-98)
Springfield Rewound
TV Guide (same-day, date back a week)

Always Reva...Always Bud
GL Online
Guiding Light CBS
Guiding Light Fan Club
Guiding Light News and Previews
Welcome to Guiding Light
Xuddam's Spoiler Page--spoilers for all CBS soaps.

Always Reva...Always Bud
Blissfully Blossie
The Buzz and Jenna Fanpage
Danny and Michelle
Fiona Fest (Jenna)
GL Transcripts (full text, mid-May 1999 to present)
The Manny Webpage
Mint's Jeva Page
The Phillip and Harley Page
The Quint and Nola Homepage

Beauty and the Beast: A Manny Webpage (Manny trivia only)
The Manny Webpage (Manny trivia only)

If an actor's name is in the site title, that site will be listed in the Cast section. If a character's name is in the site title, that site will be listed in the Character section. Cast sites are listed first, with Character sites listed below.

Cast/Characters, General Sites
Addi's Guiding Light Page--some character bios are outdated.

Guiding Light CBS--cast bios.
Guiding Light Fan Club--cast list.
Guiding Light News and Previews--character guide and cast bios.
The Women of Springfield-- character guide, not updated since 1998.

Current Cast
Mary Kay Adams (India)
Mary Kay Adams Official Fan Site
Bradley Cole (Richard/Jeffrey)
Brad Cole Home Page
Bradley Cole Online Community
House of Brad Addicts
Unofficial Bradley Cole Website
David Andrew Macdonald (Edmund)
David Andrew Macdonald's Unofficial Homepage
Paul Anthony Stewart (Danny)
ENIGMA | The Paul Anthony Stewart Website
Melissa's Manny/PAS-JL Page
PAS is the Man!
Paul Anthony Stewart and Patti D'Arbanville
Laura Wright (Cassie)
The Laura Wright Website!
Kim Zimmer (Reva)
Kim Zimmer Fan Club

Former Cast
Paulo Benedeti (Jesse)
It's All About Paulo
Tammy Blanchard (Drew)
Tammy Blanchard
Kimberly J. Brown (Marah Lewis)
Kimberly J. Brown Official Website
Patti D'Arbanville (Selena)
Official Patti D'Arbanville Website
Paul Anthony Stewart and Patti D'Arbanville
Mark Derwin (A.C. Mallet)
CrossXroads: A Mark Derwin and OLTL Website
Morgan Englund (Dylan)
Home Page of Morgan Englund
Rick Hearst (Alan-Michael Spaulding)
Curly Locks Inc.
Fiona Hutchison (Jenna)
Fiona Fest
Joie Lenz (Michelle)
The Joie Luck Club
Mark Pinter (Mark Evans)
The Official Mark Pinter Home Page
Sonia Satra (Lucy)
The Unofficial Sonia Satra Page
Brittany Snow (Susan)
Brittany Snow Online
Paul Wasilewski (Max)
Paul Wasilewski Online
Michael Zaslow (Roger Thorpe)

Character Sites
The Rick and Abby Homepage
The Jim and Beth Homepage
Blissfully Blossie
Blossie's Carriage House
The Buzz and Jenna Fanpage
Beauty and the Beast: A Manny Webpage
Danny and Michelle
Danny and Michelle Santos
Danny and Michelle Scene Clips (screen captures)
Elizabeth's Manny Home Page
Forever Love
GL's Michelle and Danny
Mannyac Discussion Board
Manny Interactive Fan Fiction
Manny Music
The Rustle of the Sheets
The Buzz and Jenna Fanpage
The Jim and Beth Homepage
Always Reva...Always Bud
Guiding Light: The Wedding of the Century (Jova wedding)
Jova World
The LAM Lovers Club
A Matt and Vanessa Scrapbook
Beauty and the Beast: A Manny Webpage
Danny and Michelle
Danny and Michelle Santos
Danny and Michelle Scene Clips (screen captures)
Elizabeth's Manny Home Page
Forever Love
GL's Michelle and Danny
Mannyac Discussion Board
Manny Interactive Fan Fiction
Manny Music
The Manny Webpage
The Rustle of the Sheets
The Phillip and Harley Page
The Quint and Nola Homepage--updated Oct. '97.
Virtual Quola (fan fiction)--updated Oct. '97.
Always Reva... Always Bud
Guiding Light: The Wedding of the Century (Jova wedding)
Jova World
Mint's Jeva Page
Prince Richard and Reva--message boards.
Cassie and Richard's Fan Page
The Rick and Abby Homepage
Esprit de Thorpe: Remembering Roger
The Roger Thorpe Hideaway
Roger and Holly Worldwide Web Page
Blissfully Blossie
Blossie's Carriage House