July 2001 guests...

Name: David Kelly- July 23, 2001
Country: Northern Ireland
URL: homepage.dtn.ntl.com/david.kelly4
Fave Film: The Witches
Fave Site Item: Quotes

Comments: Regards to family and friends of a genuinely top man and a real character. The world really is worse off without him.

Name: Richard Kimber- July 9, 2001
Country: United Kingdom
Fave Film: Oliver!
A Great Man who will enspire up and coming actors ...as a little boy he was my hero.....and still is ...





Name: Dianna - July 2, 2001
Country: U.S.A.
Fave Film: Gladiator, dedicated to Reed since he was at his final best.
Thanks for remember him.

Name: Katie Holland- July 2, 2001
Country: U.S.A. (Yeah, I'm one of those Yanks)
Fave Film: Well...that's hard. The Three/Four Musketeers, Crossed Swords (The Prince and the Pauper now), and Gladiator...even knowing it was his last work.
My, what a lovely website you have for Mr. Reed! But..could you manage some more photographs?


All Rights Reserved. REEDing the web

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