November 2000 guests...

Sarah - 11/28/00
Favorite Reed Film:

I have admired Oliver Reed since I saw him in the movie Oliver!. I was a little girl then and have since tried to follow his carreer as well as other members of the cast of Oliver!.  I was so saddened to hear of his death while I watched Gladiator at home.

Carol Bodman - 11/20/00
Favorite Reed Film: The Trap
Favorite Item on Site: Pictures

What a fantastic actor Oliver Reed was, truly professional and did not get the recognition he deserved, I think he was at his best in films like the The Trap, The Jokers and The Devils.

W.P.Prendergast - 11/18/00
Favorite Reed Film: All Of Them.   

What a great advert for the working man Ollie was. His stuff you attitude to the so called uppercrust won him  many friends,in the local pubs and clubs. Sadly missed by all his fans.


Lindsey Alexandra - 11/11/00
Favorite Reed Film: Tommy, The Devils, Gladiator

Ollie Reed was the best actor ever. When not drinking, he was brilliant.

Chat shows are so boring but Ollie livened them up. Remember when he was singing "I was known as the wild one?" Remember Aspel shitting himself when he came on with a hug of booze?

It's sad that such a brilliant person could die but then again he wasn't going to live forever was he?


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