Cardassian pinochle - After Tuvok has lost control of his emotions, he jokingly suggests that Suder and he should get together for a few hands of Cardassian pinochle a couple times a week. (Meld)

Coil spanner - Suder tells Tuvok that he hit Darwin with a 2-kilo coil spanner while Darwin was sitting at the impulse system control panel; he then hid the coil spanner behind a com line access panel on Deck 7. (Meld)

Comm line access panel - Suder tells Tuvok that he hid the coil spanner that he used to kill Darwin with behind a comm line access panel on Deck 7. (Meld)

Coup-contre coup - The Doctor says that the coup-contre coup pattern of breakage on Darwin's head indicates that Darwin did not hit his head on something, but instead that he was hit on the head with something. (Meld)

Darwin, Frank - Male Crewman on Voyager; Darwin is found dead in an EPS conduit; at first they believe he was killed accidently, but the Doctor concludes that he was murdered; Darwin had 3 sisters back home; his training instructor at Starfleet Academy recruited him as an officer candidate, but Darwin turned it down to come on Voyager; the Doctor determines that his time of death was 2214 hours; he was killed when Suder hit him with a coil spanner while he was sitting at the impulse system control panel. (Meld)

EPS power conduit - Suder disposes of Darwin's body by putting him in EPS conduit 141; Suder inadvertantly damages one of the circuits when he put Darwin inside causing a failure in the warp drive manifold; the body is discovered when Torres goes to investigate the problem. (Meld)

Impulse system control panel - Darwin was sitting at the impulse system control panel when he was killed by Suder. (Meld)

Jones - Male Crewman on Voyager; he participates in Paris's betting pool to predict what the radiogenic particle count will be at 1200 hours the next day. (Meld)

Kal Rekk - Neelix wishes Tuvok a Happy Kal Rekk; Tuvok tells him that Kal Rekk is still 2 weeks off and that it is a day of atonement, solitude, and silence. (Meld)

Lewis - Crewman on Voyager; he participates in the Paris's betting pool to predict what the radiogenic particle count will be at 1200 hours the next day. (Meld)

Mind meld - Tuvok uses a mind meld to link with Suder so that he can understand why Suder killed Darwin and to help Suder gain self-discipline to control his violent nature; the meld helps Suder to be calm and controlled, but causes Tuvok to become violent. (Meld)

Nanites - The Doctor uses nanites to retrieve DNA strands from inside Darwin's head wound. (Meld)

Neuro-epinephrine level - Suder has elevated neuro-epinephrine levels which indicates that he has aggressive, violent tendencies. (Meld)

Neuro-peptides - Tuvok's levels of neuro-peptides are down 15%; the Doctor thinks this is the result of an incompatibility with the Betazoid telepathic neural center; this decrease in neuro-peptides is causing Tuvok to lose emotional control and become violent. (Meld)

Neuro-synaptic therapy Suder says he tried targeted neuro-synaptic therapy to try to control his violent impulses, but it didn't work; the Doctor uses this same therapy to try to help Tuvok regain his emotional control. (Meld)

Radiogenic particles - The winner of Paris's betting pool must predict what the radiogenic particle count will be a 1200 the next day. (Meld)

Rogers - Male Crewman on Voyager; he participates in the Paris's betting pool to predict what the radiogenic particle count will be at 1200 hours the next day. (Meld)

Rumarie - According to Tuvok, this is an ancient pagan festival which has not been observed for a millenium; Neelix says the festival is full of barely clothed Vulcan men and women covered in slippery Rillan grease chasing one another; Neelix says he is planning a Rumarie festival theme for the mess hall next week. (Meld)

Security code - Tuvok's security clearance code is Tuvok 1494 Lambda; Tuvok deletes his security clearance when he realizes that he is no longer fit for duty and is a danger to the crew. (Meld)

Security seal - Tuvok puts a level one security seal on his quarters and deletes his security clearance when he realizes that he is no longer fit for duty and is a danger to the crew. (Meld)

Starfleet Directive 101 - Tuvok advises Suder of Starfleet Directive 101 which says that Suder doesn't have to answer any questions if he chooses not to. (Meld)

Suder, Lon (Brad Dourif) - Former Maquis; Male Betazoid; Suder kills Darwin with a coil spanner; the Doctor says that Suder's elevated neuro-epinephrine levels indicate that he has aggressive, violent tendencies; Suder tried targeted neuro-synaptic therapy to try to control his violence, but it didn't help; after a mind meld with Tuvok, Suder is more calm and controlled. (Meld)

Talaxian song - Tuvok strangles a holographic Neelix when he decides to sing a Talaxian song that his mother used to sing to him. (Meld)