When asked why they love Beavis, these award winners wrote in with some interesting essays on why they love him so dearly. These essays are the cream of the crop, the crem de la crem, well you get the idea. So without further adiou, here are the weiners.
The "I love Beavis best" award goes to Donny Rogers
He thinks he is the best. Which is right. He thinks
everything bad that happens is cool. There are really
people like that in the USA. He has this big
underbite. He can make all kinds of noises. He is the
hyperist bunghole around. He is not afraid to make a
fool of himself. He is not afraid to disrespect
adults. He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the
ground. Overall, He justs kicks ass!!!!
The "I'm the most poetic bunghole around" award goes to Mike Edwards
My Ode to Beavis
ohhh beavis such a bungholish guy
he will never get laid
not even if he paid,
he makes me laugh
when he's sniffs his gas,
he lays big turds as you can see
and that is why beavis is so special to me
P.S. and he really kicks ass
The "I'm a really horny person" award goes to Louise
Beavis is ssooo sexy! I'd f**k <-(sorry kids) him if he wuz real. He's just so sexy!!
If he could get any sexier, he wouldn't be male. Tee hee. If Beavis
was any hotter, he'd light the ground on fire!! He's got the sexiest voice
and all the right words. Yeah!! That wuz cool!! In closing...
you kick ass Beavis. Heh heh heh heh heh yeah, that wuz cool.
Woo hoo! That's why beavis is so special to me.