1. Who is B&B's hippie teacher?

2. What does Cornholio need for his Bunghole?

3. Who's gang do B&B want to be in?

4. What episode did Cornholio first appear?

5. What did B&B nickname Daria?

6. What high school do B&B go to?

7. Who is the principal at their high school?

8. What episode did the guys join a gang?

9. When ButtHead got his mouth wired shut, what did the doctor give him to calm him down?

10. Who wears the Metallica T-shirt?

11. Who got the phone shoved up his butt because of B&B's prank phone calls?

12. What name does Beavis hate to be called?

13. Why was Beavis put in jail?

14. Who created B&B?

15. Who does the voices for B&B?

16. What did B&B originally air on?

17. What was the first episode of B&B?

18. Who was in B&B's gang, but didn't help in a fight?

19. Who was the voice of the candyman?

20. Who beat the crap out of the candyman?

Looking for the answers. Look no further because here they are.

I can be immortalized now!!!(well, no)