
Mighty Morphin'
Power Rangers

Power Rangers

Power Rangers

Power Rangers
in Space

Fan Fiction



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Welcome to Puerto Rico!

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities

Database of Power Rangers Links!

Sign my guestbook.

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into my guestbook.

NOTE: The framed version of the database has been permanently removed because yours truly does not have time to update two sites at the same time. I will gladly keep updating this no-frames version. Thanks for your understanding.

Our PR community is increasing very fast, as is increasing the quality of the sites. I had been looking for and fixing/removing the broken links, as well as adding new ones. As of today, I had updated the Shrines,MMPR, Fan Fics, and FAQ pages. I added a Power Rangers in Space page!

I have lot of very good links to add yet, so come back soon!

Thanks to every person that has sent me links!!!

How do you know which links are new in my pages? Simple: I put them in the order that I find or receive them, so the last ones are the newest!

Well, I spent _hours_ in the WWW looking for most of these links, but I really enjoyed it. Some of them were contributed by the page creators. If you know of any other MMPR, PRZ, OhRanger-related, or shrine page not listed here, feel free to use the form at the bottom of the page to submit it. (Thanks to Jason for the code)
As you can see I am part of the WebRing, so you can either go and visit a random PRZ site or browse this page for the sites you are looking for. ENJOY!

If you have a site to add to my list please fill out the form below.
I am sure they are out there...Please only submit a site if you know the link is good.

Your Name:
Your E-Mail Address:
Name of Web Site:
Web Page URL:
Who is the site about?:

NOTE: If your browser does not supports forms, just email me to with the title of the homepage you would like me to include, the URL, and its theme or topic. Thanks!

Power Rangers fans have visited this page.
I guess I'm not alone in this world!
HEY! But I need evidence of that....Please, sign my guestbook.
Of course, you are also invited to view my guestbook.

This Power Rangers TURBO Webring site is owned by Chris Bailey.

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Click here for information on how to join The Power Rangers TURBO Webring.

© 1996,97 by maranat(Mori) - Read the disclaimer
Last updated:11/30/97