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Latest News:

1/10/04- Happy New Year all, I've updated my poetry section with 7 or 8 new poems and a music/poetry history page. Enjoy.


10/19/03- So it's been a while since I updated my website... I've been in college for a few months, but I'll soon be dropping out to go take some business courses at a community college, and then I'll be opening a music store/skate shop. I just built a website for my band, Corporate Decoy, the link is on my Links page along with a couple new links to check out.


6/13/03- Last night I officially graduated from High School, and next it's on to college in Millersville, PA in late August. My friends and I will soon be parting ways, as a couple are in the armed forces, and I'll be going to college a couple hours away. We won't see each other much then, so we've got to make the best of things now, while we still can.


5/14/03- I just looked at my guestbook and realized that I had a post from an old friend of mine, SC-Venom. Yes, I remember both you and your cousin SC-TyGeR. Email me if you would be so kind. I'd love to hear from you again.

1/4/03- I'd like to wish everyone a very happy New Year and announce the rebuild of !The Realm of WIT! The updates have been a huge success and, once again, I'd like to thank you all for your patience while I worked to make the site more user-friendly and enjoyable.



Disclaimer: !The Realm of WIT! was created to be humorous, fun, and at times, even educational. Some sections of this web site may contain dangerous acts of behavior which I neither condone, nor do I suggest you try. Basically folks, use your own better judgement. If it seems dangerous, don't do it. I will not be held responsible for your own stupidity. Also, I hope you are not offended by any of my content. If you do find something offensive, please remember that offending you is not at all intentional.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy your stay. -WIT


Copyright 1999-2004 Unknown Hero Productions