BeBe's Wine Fest Poster Gallery

A charismatic M.C.: Sire Bardot informs patrons of upcoming & ongoing events at festival through a separate independent P.A. system.


Enhance the event's advertising/ billing (flyers, posters, radio, whatever) with two stages and an additional act (BeBe) at a fraction of the cost of a multi-membered band! (Suggested names for second smaller stage: Courtyard Stage; Vendor Stage; Second Stage; Proscenium Stage; Patio Stage; Vintage Stage; Harvest Stage; The Taster's Stage; etc.)

A humorous flair that "breaks the ice": BeBe's custom and adlib lyrics about staff & audience members, coupled with his quirky original & cool cover material...... provide a pleasantly atypical element to the entertainment menu.

A seamlessness show: BeBe plays during breaks from a centrally located smaller stage, as headliners on main stage strike & set up equipment.

Vashon Island's Annual Strawberry Festival.

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