Hi! Welcome to my Stone Fan Club Page! If you would like to join SAFC, please fill out the survey below and copy and paste it into an email message and send it to... safcprez@hot1.net

I'll sign you up and get our SAFC Welcome Letter out to you!

Here are the survey questions..

Your Name?

Your E-mail Address:

Do you love Stone?



I miss him!

Would you like to join the Stone Addicts Online Fan Club?



I'm already a member of SAFC!

Ask again later

If you have a General Hospital site and would like for me

to link you, enter the URL here _______________

Would you like to see Michael Sutton Come back to GH or

PC(as a ghost or maybe a twin brother)??



Anything you'd like to tell me about my Stone Page????? Here is your chance!! Thanks!