dAnIeL's VaLe

fairyA hearty welcome to you my frens, and step right into dAnIeL's VaLe...a humble place which i hope is Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. worthy of your time here...i will be your guide around this vale and show you all the ekeles that has all sorts of information on dAnIeL....ekeles are towers which made up this vale together with the faries....whom are the frens of the vale. Hope that you will enjoy your time here!!

So whatever is going on with dAnIeL now??

Pssssss!! LatesT NeWs UpdaTe!!!!
dAnIeL will be coming to Singapore for a concert!!! YiiiPPppEEEeeee!!! Isn't that fantastic!!! But it's not a one-man show though.. Kelly Chen and Huang Yao Ming will be performing together too! And the date scheduled for this approaching concert is tentatively on the 12th of Dec! So fans, start saving up and prepare yourself for a good time!!

Whoa!!! dAnIeL's Music Is LiVe Concert CD is OUT!!! Though some of the songs were not included in the cd, but it is a good memoria of those who have been to the concert and a new listening to all those who missed out on tis big show! Trust me, dAnIeL sounds realleee good! So GET IT!

Found this webpages of dAnIeL's shopping spree in Singapore in June!! I know it's a bit late..sorrieee! Those interested can click here to view those pics of dAnIeL shopping at Tangs Studio on the 18th of June'98... And it comes with a short recording of an interview!!

One piece of GOOD NEWS!!! dAnIeL's websites has been increasing at a rapid pace and guess what??? The number of websites in the webring have hit the 50 - mark!!! *CLaP!ClaP!* Here's a pat on the shoulder for every webmaster! I know that there are still websites which haven't join the ring yet so the total number will actually amount to much more! And let's hope that dAnIeL's websites will grow bigger and bigger and of coz with substantial content and creativity AND lots of SINCERITY!

Whoa!! Specials of dAnIeL's latest albums!! During these 4 weeks, there'll be interviews and reviews on dnaiel's HoLiDaY every week! CliCk HeRe and HeRe!

I am sorry the my homepage has not been updated for so long. I am busy preparing for my exams, so please bear with me. This homepage will not be updated regulary from now and be sure that when i come back to it, there will be much more offered.

Opps...i have been so engrossed in telling you about things about dAnIeL that i forgot to introduce him to you...pardon me...let's go to profile ekele where i can happily tell you whatever you wanna know about dAnIeL..or if you want to we can start the journey from somewhere else too...

HoMe ekele PrOfiLe ekele AlbUms ekele SonGs ekele FilMs ekele
AwArDs ekele NeWs ekele SpeCiaL ekele GaLLeRY ekele LiNks ekele

mAiL mE!!mail me!!
i would welcome any comments or suggestions,
so please forward them to me.....
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