Deep Impact

Oceans Rise.
Cities Fall.
Hope Survives

Deep Impact Poster



Directed By

Mimi Leder


Robert Duvall, Téa Leoni, Elijah Wood, Vanessa Redgrave, Morgan Freeman, Leelee Sobieski

Plot Summary

Young Leo Biederman joined his High School's Astronomy Club more to be with Sarah Hotchner than to look into the skies. One night, a field study takes place and Leo accidentally stumbles into one spot too many in a known group of stars. The new comet is soon named Wolf-Biederman. Unfortunately, it races towards earth on a direct collision course. In the meantime Jenny Learner, a NBC reporter, traces the story of a minister's sex-scandal only to learn that "Ellie" is not exactly the name of a hot lady, but more of a pretty hot event. Soon, the comets existance is announced officially. The only chance of saving earth lies in blasting it off it's course..




  • Melodramatic and beautiful score in the background ...thanks to James Horner
  • Noteworthy special effects and visually stunning outer space sequences
  • Solid and respectable cast.. noteworthy performance by Robert Duvall and Morgan Freeman
  • Admirable skills of Director, Mimi Leder, given that this is only her second movie
  • Nothing profoundly moving, but surprisingly touching in a genre more concerned with effects.
  • Some absurdities though, but easily forgiven with the "deep impact" on the heart.



Memorable Quotes

Andrea Baker: Look on the bright side. We'll all get high schools named after us.




Boy: Hey Leo, now that you're famous you'll be getting more sex.
Leo Biederman: Really?




Alan Rittenhouse: I know you're just a reporter, but you used to be a person, right?


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