Kaeisuan Triibola

Name: Kaeisuan Triibola
Race: T'sentrati
Gender: Male
Birthday: 20 September 2019
Height: 180cm
Weight: 72kg
Hair: Dark blue
Eyes: Green
Skin: Light blue
Favourite Colour: Violet
Favourite Food: Pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese
Favourite Musician/Group: Neela Elmikk
Favourite Show: Still gets up for Saturday cartoons-- and watches them with his mother!
Favourite Movie: Tenchi Muyo In Love
Famous Quote: "I know you're hurt and angry because of what happened to your parents. I'd feel the same way if anything ever happened to mine. But violence is never the answer." -"Pretty T'sentrati Sailor Naia"
Dress: Almost sloppy, i.e. outsized shirts, old jeans, never bothers to iron anything.
Likes: Animals, science, taking things apart to see how they work, making things, computers, humans in general and Tracey Reilly most of all.
Dislikes: Violence, gym class, his mother constantly asking him to fix computer problems, especially late at night, seeing any person or animal dead or injured.
Oddities: Left-handed, speaks with an American accent, doesn't like to fight
Personality: Cheerful, innocent almost to the point of naivete, pleasant, fun-loving, friendly, outgoing, highly intelligent, creative, a hopeless romantic, has his mother's odd sense of humour, likes humans
History: Kaeisuan was born in Monument City and raised there and elsewhere in the world (for short periods of time, when something newsworthy was going on). As a T'sentrati child growing up in mostly human-populated Monument City, he had to face a lot of discrimination and took regular bullying. His parents didn't understand why he didn't know how to defend himself-- he was T'sentrati, after all... Kaeisuan made a human friend, an upperclassman named Archer Morgan, who fought his bullies for him. His parents did teach Kaeisuan the history and culture of his people, and to be proud to be T'sentrati. Prior to the conquest of the world by Invid, Quelt'san, Naia, and Kaeisuan went to live in Paranka, the underground city founded by Magdomilla Rau, who was Naia's first officer on the Isa Tanari in the First Robotech War. It was during his time down there that he met and fell in love with a human freedom fighter named Tracey Reilly, much to the dismay of his human-intolerant mother. She left after a month with the rest of the freedom-fighting band to "liberate the world from Invid," but Kaeisuan's hangup on her remained... Kaeisuan's ambition in life is to be a scientist. He has never been made to full-size (and there's a debate over whether that's even possible...).

All character information contained herein is of my own creation, so don't steal it for your own use under any circumstance, or you'll awaken one morning to find a fully-loaded Queadlunn-Rau standing outside your window...
Complaints? Requests? Comments? E-mail me at: naia_zifu@bellsouth.net.

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