Contestant in Sera-myu Idol IV
Come Listen and lend support, ne?
My KISS Doll This took ages to do and was a total pain, but I think she's worth it. She actually does resemble me, and has a large wardrobe for a jeans and t-shirt girl. There are tons of hair changes, and kawaii costumes, too! I hope you like her.
Depths of My Soul My Xanga
Through My Eyes My LJ
My Myspace
Name: Katherine Simson
Nicknames: (RL) Kat, Kitten, Neko-chan (OL) Naia Zifu, Ami-chan
Race: Human (unfortunately)
Gender: Female
Birthday: 30 January 1976
Height: About 155cm
Weight: Might discuss once it gets down some more -_-;
Hair: Short and currently its rarely-seen natural mousy-brown
Eyes: Grey that looks blue or green at times
Skin: Pale caucasian
Favourite Colour: Blue, especially navy and turquoise
Favourite Food: Chicken, green apples, Nesquik
Favourite Musician/Group: Currently on a Vietnamese kick,
especially for Thu Phuong and Lam Truong ^_^
Favourite Show: "Heroes", PBS science/history shows like
"NOVA", "Secrets of the Dead", "History Detectives", etc.
Favourite Movie: Labyrinth
Famous Quote: ""This is gonna be just like _Roman Holiday!_
Except not all romantic and stuff. . ." -"Dude, Where's My Bike?" (the
first post I ever helped write!), FK War 12 (My first War! Yatta!)
Dress: Almost always wears jeans and t-shirts, doesn't like
dresses, wears boots or platforms more than sneakers lately, likes tacky
costume jewellery, has three earrings in left ear and one in right
Likes: Collecting toys, colourful novelty wigs, writing,
drawing, too much television, too much computering, listening to music,
anime subs, writing long letters to friends
Dislikes: Waiting, admitting being wrong, failure, very feminine
girls, anime dubs and the more ignorant dubbies, arrogant and macho males,
being "-chan"ed by strangers, many other strange pet peeves I won't get
into unless on request
Oddities: Bad eyesight, left-handed, has a childlike voice
and odd accent, and a definite "Peter Pan complex"
Personality: Quiet, eccentric, feels emotions deeply, creative,
intelligent, has too little self-esteem, a secret romantic, has a strange
sense of humour, usually a nice person but has a bit of a temper, gets
depressed and self-pitying too often, attracted to tomboyish girls almost
History: If I told you that, both of us would need
therapy :-P !
Click here if
you want to know more about me.
Here, just go to My Photobucket
if you wanna see pics of me (less wasted space and bandwidth here).