
My Shrine to Khyron

Khyron looking threatening

"In the centuries to come, if any of them are left alive, they will speak with terror the name Khyron." -Khyron Kravshera "Battle Cry"

naia_zifu@bellsouth.net (main)

AIM: Naia Zifu

ICQ: #22365735

Yahoo: naia_zifu

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Depths of My Soul

Khyron Kravshera is certainly one of the most underappreciated characters in Robotech. I found it very sad that no- one wanted to remember him in End of the Circle. I want to remember him, and want to help others to as well. Khyron with his aide and friend, Grel Though his own men nicknamed him The Backstabber (because of incidents where, drunken or in fits of temper, he was known to fire upon his own troops), Khyron was one of the greatest warriors in the history of the T'sentrati people. Although there are those that will question his methods, there can be no disputing his tremendous success in combat. Indeed, the very reason that Breetai called upon Khyron's Botoru battalion (watch Robotech episode Bye Bye Mars) was due to Khyron's legendary success in combat, over Exedore's concerns that Khyron's temper and habitual drunkenness might jeopardise the mission. Exedore was only partly right. Khyron was constantly disobedient, often prone to attacking the fortress without permission. However, that type of behaviour did succeed in confusing the enemy and keeping them off- guard. Whenever the micronians thought they knew the T'sentrati battle strategy, Khyron would come along and shake them up a little, and then they wouldn't be so sure anymore. That is the reason the Botorus were always so successful in combat, because they always did the unexpected. Khyron was also a wonderfully aberrant clone. He had a kind of boyish charm about him and a playful side as well. He was known to pal around with his aide, Grel, and make bets on such things as how many ships they would crash into coming out of hyperspace. Khyron had a gentle voice and spoke with a refined accent, in sharp contrast to the deep, rumbling voices and brutish mannerisms of most of his fellow T'sentrati (and also in contrast with his own violent tendencies and temper). He was unabashedly individual in a society which normally discourages that sort of thing altogether. The main reason that he wasn't killed for that was because he was such an excellent warrior. It's amazing what one can get away with as a T'sentrati so long as one is getting results... The Botorus absented the Rain of Death and instead vanished for some two years, hiding out under ice and snow in Alaska, waiting for the proper moment to attack. It was during that period when Khyron's affair with Azonia began. Though the two had never Azonia with a surprised expression gotten along in the past, the two- year isolation (and probably also too much alcohol and flowers...) brought them closer. They were the first pair of T'sentrati actually known to have fallen in love, where normally even casual contact between the genders was prohibited and love was a completely alien concept. When Khyron felt the time was right he began rebuilding his army, recruiting Malcontents and sizing them up again using a stolen protoculture chamber. He then kidnapped Minmei and Kyle, holding them ransom (truly a first in the history of the T'sentrati, who previously had never recognised the value of hostages, holding individual lives in such low esteem ourselves), demanding the fortress in exchange for their return. Unfortunately, the hostages were rescued by that twit Hunter, the exchange never took place, and both Minmei and Kyle escaped without harm. Subsequently, Khyron executed a daring Christmastime attack on Macross City and destroyed it with explosive charges, inarguably one of his greatest achievements, and the event which earned him the new nickname Khyron the Destroyer. Gloval gave him protoculture to fuel his ship in hopes that he would take it and just go away. Actually, Khyron did originally plan on leaving Earth with that protoculture. He was going to go back to the Masters for reinforcements, which would then return to lay siege to the planet Earth. That plan was never carried out. Under heavy influence of flowers, Khyron's final strike he instead attacked the fortress, an assault which ended with the ramming of his ship into the fortress. He and all aboard his ship were killed, as were all those left aboard the fortress. Khyron died victorious in battle, as is the wish of every T'sentrati. The memory of his greatness and his achievements must be kept alive for future generations...

More Khyron Pictures

From various (by now, often long-dead) pages, with some scans of my own.

Gomen, even this is pared down a little due to Geocities getting stingy with bandwidth.  I tried to leave all the best ones, though.

Khyron happy (a rare sight, eh?)
Khyron hurt (and not at all happy about it)
Khyron in a dangerous mood
Khyron line art picture
A great pic of a Glaug
Khyron in his mecha
Khyron in armour, with Azonia
Khyron and Azonia before dying
Khyron gloating
Khyron looking distracted
Khyron holding Minmei in his hand
Khyron shouting
My cel of Azonia looking calm
My cel of Azonia with a cute expression

Khyron Sounds

Now contained on my sounds page. Click here to visit them.

Show Your Appreciation For Khyron!

Send him fan mail!

BPS Information

I still have no energy for maintaining BPS as a real-life club, but I've decided to at least keep part of the spirit of the group alive with an online support campaign.  If you'd like to show support for Khyron and the spirit of the BPS, download one of the badges below, upload it to your own server, and display it linked back to me.  Here are the choices:

Remember Khyron I Want to Remember Love Never Dies Remember Me Kara-Brek

What follows is old info about the life and death of the RL BPS club.  I'm leaving it here for reference and in memorial to the niftiness that was the old club.  I really doubt it'll ever be reborn in that manner again.

I'm afraid the BPS is officially on hold now and has been for a while. I'm not sure when/if it'll get back to the way it was. Whether members choose to still consider themselves as such or not is their own choice, I guess. The official cause of the hold is founder exhaustion and lack of member enthusiasm. Basically, most members stopped contributing to the "Sten Yar" entirely and showed little or no enthusiasm whenever it was published. I felt too much stress of trying to hold it together on my own without help or contributions, so I decided to stop, and offered that if anyone else wanted to do it for a while they could, but there were of course no takers. Since I feel a bit less stress now, I almost feel as if I could take it up again any time, except I fear there would still be no contributors. And any "Sten Yar" I put out now would look bad by comparison anyway, because I haven't even got the same editing tools I used to anymore :-( . Maybe eventually things will come back together, but if it does it's Haydon's own miracle at this point. Sorry if that disappoints anyone, but it couldn't be helped.

 BPS (Backstabber Preservation Society) is a small but devoted organisation for preserving Khyron's memory for future generations. Thus far it has accepted only members with T'sentrati identities, but recently it was decided we'd also accept the occasional micronian sympathiser.
Our publication, "Sten Yar", comes out on a sort-of-bimonthly schedule (i.e. whenever I can get around to sending it) and is made up of fanfictions, artwork, and articles done by our very talented members. Currently it is five pages long and the current rotating multi-part stories are "Robotech: Backstabbers" by Vorn Xula (a story set in Aftermath time and involving somewhat altered versions of our members as characters), "Robotech Rebels" by Quetzal Thas (a somewhat silly romp through Invid-occupied Europe), and "Robotech Freedom Fighters" by Naia Zifu (me, of course) (an unusual Invid-era story with elements of the supernatural). Oh, and you've never lived until you've read one of Karv Garst's insane creations... if you can... ;-) Thus far, despite the difficulty of funding, I've been usually able to send out the "Sten Yar"s pretty much on time. We have been attempting to resolve the funding problems and hope to figure it out eventually, before the situation gets too much more desperate.

Visit other BPSers' Web Pages...

Jinas Veric's web page
Nello Norri's micronian's page
Quetzal Thas' micronian's page
Jillari T'syvany's Khyron image page

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© 1997-2005 Naia Zifu  This shrine is not intended to be frightening in any way.
Don't worry, I'm not running a real Khyron cult or anything...
Send information, suggestions, and nifty Khyron pictures to: naia_zifu@bellsouth.net

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