seven tall bar stools in a single row / 5 empty / 2 compressed by lines of sweaty backs spreading into buttocks / tight in conversation resting on the elbows of the bar /
my mouth is dry /
a glass of water please /
ice and lemon ? /
thanks / quite a crowd tonight /
not bad for a Friday / ( he gets his drink ) do
you like dancing? /
sometimes / (drinks his drink ) you must learn a lot about human
nature in a job like this /
it depends /
on what ? /
on who you are /
a glass of water, please
ice and lemon?
I'm caught by the conversation next to me . . . oh tracy it was great / my lips moved lightly across his / his nipples went hard / I could see them through his tee shirt / I peeled it back like a skin / and massaged those tiny buds with my tongue / they swelled in the delicate grip of my teeth / as the waves of pleasure rippled through his body /
oh my god sarah!
oh tracy it was great . . . oh my god sarah . . .
Or you can choose to read a complete text version of Bruised. But be warned, it is more explicit in content than the excerpts given here.