

"Take no prisoners. Show no mercy."

Never has their been a more sinister personification of evil then that of the virus called Megabyte. For his ability to corrupt and influence the citizens of Mainframe is made even more profound now that his plan to launch Bob in to the web has been a success.

 With his ability to infect any low level structure or Binome coupled with his PID extraction chamber, Megabyte can command masses of brain washed armies. Who are willing to do anything he commands.

He lives in Silicon Tor, a section of Mainframe he has completely under his control. Often times he relies on his two bungling henchmen, Hack and Slash, to carry out his plans. More often then not, they fail miserably at there assignments. Recently he has grown tired of their stupidity and he plans to have them be in the front lines of battle, and lead the next attack force. Knowing that they will be obliterated by Mainframes firepower.

Heartless, power hungry, and showing no visible signs of remorse Megabyte cares not for whom he deletes. He wants only to breach the firewall that contains him and crush Mainframe under his heels. Creating a new city out of the ashes…the city of Megaframe.