
A New Life

Michaela and Sully return from their honeymoon and begin to adjust to their new life together. Colorado Springs' newest arrival opens the town's first bank, and Cloud Dancing tries to adjust to life on a reservation.

Travelling All Stars

Baseball comes to Colorado Springs.

Mothers and Daughters

As Michaela becomes increasingly absorbed in her romantic life with Sully, Colleen, feeling rebellious, joins some of her school friends in dangerous escapades. Michaela is dismayed to learn Colleen seems to be pulling away from her. When Brian also begins to feel ignored, she and Sully realize how important it is to balance their new life together with those of the children.

Brother's Keeper

After being bitten by a rabid raccoon, Brian's pet wolf attacks Matthew's fiance, Ingrid, and the family must wait to see if she contracts the disease.

Halloween III

As Halloween approaches, Brian is frightened by a story told to him by a school mate, an elderly man with severe arthritis comes to town to seek relief in the hot springs, and Michaela fears Sully may be tiring of a conventional lifestyle.

Dorothy's Book

After Dorothy writes a book about Colorado Springs and its people, she learns that most of the townspeople don't like being in the limelight.

Promises, Promises

After asking Dorothy to marry him, Loren suffers a stroke. Sully receives a note from an old friend asking him to come to Nevada.

The Expedition

When Michaela decides to climb Pike's Peak to celebrate her birthday, Grace, Dorothy, and Myra decide to join her in the climb. Meanwhile, Preston and Jake plot to take advantage of the women's absence and push plans for a hotel/casino through the town council. Also, Robert E. begins to act strangely after the arrival of a bounty hunter who's searching for a former slave who killed his former owner.

One Touch of Nature

Michaela worries that she may be to old to have children. As Thanksgiving approaches, and the town plans a celebration with the Indians on the reservation, Jake feels lonely and abandoned by his friends.

Hell On Wheels

When an epidemic breaks out at the railroad camp, the family rushes there to help and are shocked to find Matthew running the camp saloon. Matthew, despondent over the recent death of Ingrid, has been working in the camp for some time and has essentially lost the will to live. When an accident occurs that kills several of the men in the blasting crew, Matthew volunteers for the job. Michaela and Sully fear he has done so in hopes of being killed.

Fifi's First Christmas

Michaela's mother sends the family a poodle, Fifi, for Christmas. The Reverend plans a Nativity scene with most of the townspeople as participants. Brian is fascinated by the new girl who moves to Colorado Springs.

Change of Heart

Robert E. wants to adopt an orphaned boy but Grace has reservations after the boy shows symptoms of a disease that Michaela cannot diagnose. Several townspeople arrange female companionship for Matthew. Michaela is accepted into the AMA.

Tin Star

When the townspeople learn that the train has brought crime as well as prosperity, they decide they need a sheriff, a job that Matthew quickly decides he wants. Brian has to deal with peer pressure when he is told he has to steal a model train to become a member of a group of his friends.

If You Love Somebody

Matthew takes an interest in Emma, one of Hank's girls. Preston offers Myra a job at the bank, an offer that Horace insists she turn down.

The Iceman Cometh

While Michaela is in Denver, swindlers come to Colorado Springs to find people willing to invest in a home refrigeration device, an invention that almost everyone in town wants to put their money in.

Dead or Alive - Part I

When a mountain man who opposes statehood for Colorado kidnaps the son of one of its biggest supporters, Sully guides a posse to try to save the boy. Michaela suffers complications in her pregnancy.

Dead or Alive - Part II

After Matthew is captured by McBride, the manhunt for him intensifies. With Leonard and Preston injured, Sully decides he must go after the mountain man alone. Dr. Cassidy temporarily takes over Michaela's practice.

Deal With The Devil

When Reverend Johnson needs money to make repairs to the church, he mortgages the church to Hank, the only one willing to loan him the money. What the Reverend doesn't know is that Hank secretly wants him to default so that he can take possession of the church and build a hotel on the property.

Eye For An Eye

A man convicted of murder and rape is sentenced to hang in Colorado Springs.

Hearts and Minds

When the government opens a school on the reservation, the Reverend and Michaela volunteer to teach. Cloud Dancing, however, is angered by some of what the Reverend is teaching, and the way he's going about it.


Michaela's best friend from medical school comes for a visit, but their friendship is strained when they have different opinions about a diagnosis. Dorothy has problems with her new printing press.

Woman Of The Year

Michaela is observed by a representative of an organization that wants to nominate her as Colorado's "Woman of the Year". When Hank's grandmother comes for a visit, he tries to hide his true lifestyle from her. It seems that when he's written her about his life, he's actually been describing Horace.

Last Chance

Michaela's desire to cut back on her work at the clinic is put on hold when she must tend to Cloud Dancing, who has been stabbed in a fight at the reservation, and she determines that Emma needs an operation after treating her for injuries she received in a bar fight at the saloon. Sully has to deal with the arrival of his supervisor who is less than pleased to see that Sully has ignored most of his directives for "helping" the Indians.

Fear Itself

When a young female painter arrives in Colorado Springs, she is welcomed by everyone, especially an enamoured Preston. But when it is learned that she is suffering from leprosy, they shun her, and even Michaela has reservations about her staying in town.

One Nation

Cloud Dancing is arrested and put on trial, with Sully as his defender, when he confesses to killing a soldier on the reservation. Prestion tries to prevent Dorothy from printing an editorial that is fair to both sides.

When A Child Is Born - Part I

Michaela's mother and sisters Rebecca and Marjorie come for the birth of the baby, bringing with them a physician from Boston. Preston prepares for the groundbreaking of his spa. The army plans to send some of the Indians, including Cloud Dancing, to another reservation.

When A Child Is Born - Part II

While the men are out searching for Sully, Myra, Grace, Dorothy, Rebecca, and Marjorie search for Michaela. Cloud Dancing is recaptured by Sergeant O'Connor. Dr. Cook must perform an operation on Horace. Michaela's and Sully's baby is born. Trouble escalates between Horace and Myra.

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