P/T rules!

Hi, I'm Audra! I love Voyager, Robert Duncan McNeill and Paris/Torres--in reverse order! *grin* Well you obviously didn't come here to listen to me babble but to explore my page. So onward!

April 28, 1999 update - three new stories by Julie have been posted! One is NC-17, the other two are PG. Enjoy and remember to send Julie feedback!!

April 6, 1999 update - Audra is a ditz...I typed in the wrong file extension for my fanfic page in the portal. It's now fixed. Enjoy.

February 14, 1999 update - Julie's NC-17 fanfiction is now up in the fanfiction portal. Also added a handful of new pics to the picture page.

Fanfiction portal

Fanfiction by Julie Evans

About me

My links (mostly to NC-17 fanfic pages!) Are we seeing a pattern here? :)

My pictures And no, there ARE NOT NC-17 pics here--I'm not like that--RDM's body is left to my imagination, though with that uniform being tight in all the right places, there ain't much to imagine! *another wicked grin*

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