This Is All Mine

Last up-dated September 11, 1997

My ROAR Fan Fiction

The Plan

DISCLAIMER: I do not own most of these characters. They belong to FOX and Universal Studios. I own Lucius and Collus.
I am writing this fiction in dialog format, not like a story, so be warned. Plus, this story takes place prior to the Summer Finale (for obvious reasons) And the correct spelling of Vera's name is CATLIN.

Part 2 will be posted tomorrow hopefully, if not it will be on Saturday.

******AND SO******
Conor and Catlin were talking about how the Romans have recently been taking less interest in trying to capture the tribes, and stop the Confederation.

Catlin - Well maybe they’re planning some kind of special attack and to be sure all of the soldiers know what to do, they are staying inside for training.

Conor - Maybe, but why stop patrols and look outs? While they’re planning we could attack them, off guard.

Catlin - Or that’s what they want. To make us think they’re off guard and be waiting to capture is.

Conor - I was thinking the same thing. But also . . .

Fergus runs in excitedly, looking directly at Conor.

Conor - What is it?

Fergus - A Druid messenger, he’s in bad shape, he wants to talk to you. Conor - Is he being taken care of?

Fergus - He wants to see you first.

They run out and find the man being taken care of by the fire. He has whip slashes on his face and chest with evidence of a sever beating. When he sees Conor he reaches out and winces with pain. Conor comes closer and knells down beside him.

Conor - Don’t try to move, just rest.

Man - No. . . No time to rest. I must tell. . . tell you. . . so you. . . can. . . help him. . . before it’s to late (coughing).

Conor - Help who before it’s to late?

Man - Our King. . . There was . . . a. . . raid by the. . . Romans. They must. . . have hear. . . he knew their plans. . . for you. . . and wanted to. . . silence him. . . before . . . he warned you.

Conor - The Romans have your King! What was he going to warn us about?

Man - (he grabs Conor by the back of his neck, and looks in his eyes) Not them. You! (whisper) You must save him. . . he needs to warn you. . . that. . . you life . . . in danger (man dies).

Fergus - Save journey.

When the Druid messenger died, Conor rested him again the fire. Fergus said good-bye and closed the mans eyes. Conor closed his eyes to try to get the image out of his mind. He stands up and looks at Fergus and Catlin.

Conor - (to a man by the fire) See that he is cared for by their tradition. (to Fergus) We have to rescue Glas, we have to show them they can’t attack Shawmen and get away with it.

Fergus - He seemed more worried about whatever the information was the Father had to warn YOU about.

Catlin - Well we won’t know how Conor is in danger until we save The Father. Conor - Right. So we won’t worry about me until Glas is safe.

They went back inside and sat down by the fire to think out their attack plan. After 20 minutes or so Tully runs up, out of breath.

Fergus - Tully what is it?

Tully - The Romans . . . they have the Father. And there is a new one now. He seems to be in charge now. I don’t like him, there’s something about him. We have to do something.

Catlin - Could he be what the Father was trying to warn you about?

Conor - The only one who really knows what is going on here is Glas. We have to free him to get the answers. Tully did you see The Father, is he all right?

Tully - Yes, he was fine when I saw him.

Conor - Good. We’ll attack tonight. Catch them off guard. They won’t likely expect an attack this early. Agreed? Then let’s go.

The Sanctuary was soon buzzing with the news of the Druids being attacked, and of worry for Conor’s safety. That night Conor, Fergus, Tully and Catlin set out for the Roman compound. They used Tully’s knowledge of where he saw The Father.

Apon arriving they see the usual number of guards. They creep past rather easily and found Glas and three other Druids safe in one of the cages. Fergus knocked the guard out, Tully got the keys and Conor let them out. The entire time Glas was watching Conor. When Glas was released he went straight to his friend, took Conor’s right hand and places it on his sword. At that moment Roman soldiers burst into the room and a very close quarters fight took place.

Conor - There’s to many, we have to get out in the open.

They ran for the door and when they had fought their way out, they found more soldiers waiting outside. It was a well planned ambush, with two leagens. The fight was fierce and went on for another 20 minutes when others from the Sanctuary arrived as a distraction. Catlin and Tully took the two guards out at the gate and opened the gate to let their friends in. The fight still went on for another 10 minutes it seems these new guards were better than usual, and knew how to evade the attacks.

During the end of the fight a Roman cornered Conor and slashed his shoulder. Catlin saw Conor fall and yelled to Fergus to help him. Fergus killed the Roman, grabbed Conor and ran for the gate, Catlin grabbed Tully and did the same. As they rode away from the Romans, who did not pursue, Tully looked up and noticed the same the man he had seen before, now with a large smile on his face staring a Conor.

Diana, Longinus, the new comer, three of his guards and the same of Diana’s, met for a meal. It is now half and hour after the attack, and rescue of the Father. The new Roman looked very pleased, Diana seemed irritated, and Longinus was curious.

Diana - Well Commander Lucius, this day was a complete failure.

Lucius - Oh on the contrary. It could not have worked out better if I’d directed it myself.

Diana - We lost The Father and the Druid captives. How is that good?

Lucius - They were not important. It was the information I gained in their rescue that interested me.

Diana - Perhaps you would care to inform us of your mission now?

Lucius - Very well. I ordered the capture of the Druids because I knew their King was very close friends with the boy Prince who has been a thorn in your sides for so long.

Longinus - So you’re after Conor, not the Druids. He must be caused more attention back in Rome, then I’ve heard back.

Lucius - Yes. Pasalenus an Neelus never returned from this island and you have not yet been able to defeat Conor and his people. Also, this Confederation of Tribes is a growing concern to the Emperor. If this small island were able to defeat Rome, what would that say to our other colonies? They would try to rise up as well.

Diana - We can’t have an up-rising. What can you do to stop it?

Lucius - No we can’t have that. So my orders were to do one of two things. 1)Find this Prince and convince him side with Rome. . .

Diana - That will never happen.

Lucius - As I have noticed. Therefore I am left with the final option. Using my expertise as a weapon. I am ordered to destroy him, and with him, the people’s faith.

Diana - (surprised) How! What is your expertise, Commander Lucius?

Lucius - I have the ability to study an opponents character and fighting style and then use that knowledge as a weapon against them.

Longinus - That’s why at first you took guards off patrol, to make us look easy to defeat. You wanted Conor to attack so you could study him. And when he didn’t take the bait, you kidnapped The Father. Knowing he was Conor’s friend, and the islands spiritual leader, you forced a rescue.

Lucius - Very perceptive. The stories I’ve heard about you are true. Yes, I wanted them to attack. And now that he has, I have the final piece to my plan to bring him down.

Diana - An intriguing plan. . . There is one small problem, I see. He was injured quiet seriously during the rescue. With a wounded leader, won’t that make the tribes even more alert and protective of Conor’s safety.

Lucius - Quite true. However, the fact that he was wounded by one of my soldiers proves they are not prepared for better training and that could be valuable knowledge of their group dynamic. Also, it shows his followers that he is not as untouchable as they would believe he is. They three who travel with him, Fergus, Caitlin, and Tully, seem to be his closest friends and advisors. Without their input how would his plans work?

Longinus - So you plan to use his personality, fighting style, and friends against him. That is a very ambitious plan. How do you know it will work? He is their Prince and the one chosen to lead, therefore his people are very loyal.

Lucius - I agree. The more loyal the better for me. In a career of 32 missions, I have not failed yet.

At this point a messenger informs Lucius he has followed his orders and now the first step is complete. At this Lucius is greatly impressed, which he shows with a wicked smile. The smile looks somewhat out of place on his weathered evil face.

Lucius - Very good. Thank you Collus.

Diana - Your plan seems to be progressing well. I can hardly wait to see if it works out.

Lucius - Indeed. I too am intrigued at the opportunity of challenging such an opponent. And from what Collus tells me, we set to proceed with Step 2.

End Part 2
Please tell me what you think. It may be a few days before the third part.

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