Transcripts of old OLTL scenes/shows will appear on a fitful basis in the
coming months.
Transcript from July 11, 1969 show - NEW!
Meredith brings lost Tom Edwards to Llanfair; Cathy realizes the meaning of Jim & Anna's engagement.
Transcript from a December 1971 show
Marcy Wade plan to murder Vince Wolek while pretending to be Niki Smith.
Transcript from a December 1971 show
Continuind the first one - Marcy tells Merrie about Niki Smith and Merrie get worried and turns for help.
Transcript from the March 6, 1979 show
Herb viciously cross-examines Karen, forcing her to admit her life as a prostitute.
Transcript from the January 27, 1992 show
Max and Blair spar; Wanda learns of Dorian and Jason's affair; the Buchanans rally around Megan
Transcript from the January 28, 1992 show
Dorian and Blair's scheme; Bo and Cassie's fight; Megan's illness
Transcript from the January 29, 1992 show
Cain's schemes; Max, Blair and Addie; Megan's illness
Transcript from the January 30, 1992 show
Max and Blair; Kevin, LeeAnn, and Jason; Andrew and Jake
Transcript from the January 31, 1992 show
Andrew and Jake; Megan's illness; Max and Blair
Transcript from the
February 7,
1992 show
Megan and Jake Harrison are parted by death.
Transcript from the February 10, 1992 show
The aftermath of Megan's death; Erika Slezak's Emmy-winning performance
Transcript from a
July, 1992 show
Andrew confronts Marty about her vicious lies
Transcript from a
September, 1992 show
Andrew's fight against homophobia reaches its climax
Transcript from a
September, 1992 show
Sloan and Andrew make peace at last.
Transcript from a
July, 1993 show
Dorian & Viki locked in Victor's secret room.
Transcript from a
May, 1994 show
Ethel Crawford's testimony in the Dorian Lord's murder trial.
Transcript from a
May, 1994 show
Bo Buchanan's testimony in the Dorian Lord's murder trial.
Transcript from a
May, 1994 show
Lee Chapin's testimony in the Dorian Lord's murder trial.
Transcript from a
January, 1995 show
Dorian and Viki clash and Viki's alter Tommy emerges
Transcript the summer of 1997
Viki wants Clint to get out all the anger he feels for her about their past.
Transcripts from holidays on the show
Currently there are Christmas 95 and 97. I hope more will be added in the future.
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