You shine on me like the sun
You warm me like a summer's day
A better hero I could not have found
I'm with all the way

You're there with me throughout the night
My dreams are sweet and filled with you
The bright and happy smile on my face
It was put there by you

You fulfill my every need
A guiding force in my life
Telling me it's fine to go on
The best is yet to come
If only you let it happen

You're my passion and my fantasy
And it will never end
I'll see you in heaven
My angel Keanu


I'm just a fan
What can I do
People only laugh
When I say that I love you

I'm just a fan
You're just my hero
You just make me happy
You just make me smile

I'm just a fan
I like everything I see
Everything you do and say
Makes a lasting impression on me

I'm just a fan
That doesn't mean much
I wish that it did


Let's go faster
I really like the ride
Shall we take the Porsche or the Norton?

I want to go higher
I could go for miles
I will never get tired of you
Do what you want with me
I can take anything
You've taken me this far
I can't turn back now

So faster and higher
That's where we'll go
The open road is ours
Take me with you


Professor Reeves
Your lessons are profound
It's you that I study
Wow do I learn!

I have learned to live
I have learned to love
I have learned to dream
What could be more important?
The world is our classroom

Shakespeare today
Kerouac tomorrow
I'll learn to surf next week
It'll be an excellent adventure
Education is a priority of mine

With you as my teacher
There's no limit to my education
Sign me up for next semester
And I never want to graduate


You have a magic smile
It casts a magic spell
I am magically entertained
I magically smile too
I magically follow you
Work your magic

Did you ever wonder what you would do with Keanu if he came up to you and said "Do you want to get together tomorrow?" ? Well, I have, and after I would be revived, this is what we would do!

I would meet Keanu at his hotel the next morning and we would have breakfast by the pool and have a long conversation about everything from Shakespeare to ice hockey. We would then go up to the room, change into our bathing suits, and hop on his Norton to a deserted beach. We would spend the rest of the morning lying on the beach in the sunshine, splashing in the waves, and taking long walks up and down the beach.

We would then head back to the hotel and shower and change and then take the Porsche to a remote coffeehouse where we would just talk and enjoy each other's company. Then we would drive up the Pacific Coast Highway to Malibu as the sun was setting, laughing and singing to the great tunes in the CD player. We would arrive at a tiny and elegant Italian restaurant and enjoy the best meal we both have ever had and share a very good bottle of wine.

We finally finish dinner and decide to go into Hollywood and go to a cool club on Sunset where we dance for hours, never leaving each other's side.

When we leave the club at a very early hour of the morning, we decide that it is such a beautiful night that we drive back to the beach. Keanu builds a small fire, we lay down a large blanket, and we spend the rest of the glorious night under the stars, a cool breeze blowing and the sound of the crashing waves around us.

So, is it a date, Keanu?


If only we could be friends
What wonderful friends we would be
I would treat you so well
You would never want to leave

If only we could be lovers
What wonderful lovers we would be
You would want for nothing
Your desires would be my specialties

If only I could know you
If only you could know me
Reality bites
Fantasy rules
Maybe you like fantasy too?

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