The Home Of The Clan MacLeod: Protectors of Duncan's Body

The Clan MacLeod

"Princes of the Universe"

No need for words

Hello and welcome to our home on the web, I am sure you are wondering what the heck is the Clan MacLeod. Well it is a cyber clan, what is that? Well, first off we are all fans of Highlander: The Series. And we have all met and hug out at either the Highlander Forum or the Highlander Chat Room. We are one of the older clans, although we are not the oldest by any means, we have been around since November 1996. We are, as far as I know, the fourth oldest Clan.

At this time the Clan MacLeod is NOT accepting new members.

Nor will be be accepting any new members.

Where does the Clan MacLeod hang out?

Well, we mostly hang out in the Rysher Highlander chat room, but there are still a few of us who hang out at the Highlander forum also. Most likely you'll find a MacLeod in the chat room most of the time.

I am Duncan MacLeod of the......well you know.............

E-mail the Clan MacLeod

Links to other sites on the web

Rysher's Highalnder: The Series Page -- Glenfinnan
Rysher's Highlander: The Series Chat Room
PEACE - Adrian Paul Fan Club
TrollHeart's Highlander Adoption Page
The HL Quill Club
The Barge
StarGael's Highlander Page
StarDust's Highlander Page Plus
TrollHeart's SyndiCon '97 Page
The MacSpirit Homepage
The Mouse House
TrollWatcher's Highlander Page
Starchie's Place
PWFC - The Peter Wingfield Fan Club
Chameleon's Page
The Old Man's Attic
M's Page
Mary's Highlander Page
The Harem Tent
TrollHeart's Methos Page
The Clan MacTroll
The Dojo

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The Clan MacLeod.

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